I am gonna start this thread and post quick, easy, and tasty dishes for those of us on Chef duty. Leaving you more time to play lol. Its also a way for me to rack up some meaningful posts.
Creole Pork Chops (also works with chicken or pork tenderloin) serves 4/5
Ingredients: pork/chicken, onion, green pepper, red pepper, 1 can tomato soup, chilli powder, jalapeño (optional)
In a large cast iron pan (or stainless steel), heat up some oil, season porkchops liberally with chilli powder, when pan is hot brown the meat (about 4 or 5 mins). Remove the meat and add diced vegetables and cook for another minute or two. Add the can of soup (dont add water). Put the meat back in, cover, and throw in the over for 40 minutes. Serve over rice or smashed potatoes.
the other option is to sear the meat and throw everything in a crock pot and cook for hours. One pot and one pan. Easy clean up. Kids love it because its not too spicy or fancy.