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Meet the newest members of the Clan here as well as view their introductions
Welcome to the site
Feel free to add me or message me on Xbox: Pure Assent
Hope you enjoy your time with CAG!
I play games like BF4, Dying Light, COD AW, Destiny, Fifa 15, Titanfall, Evolve, GTA 5.
Pure Assent
Welcome to CAG, Daku! If you're on Xbox One feel free to add me at CavemanFTW. Make sure you review the code of conduct and any visitor messages or replies to your application to make sure you don't miss anything important. Just follow the steps given to you, but most of all, have fun! You can typically find me on Battlefield or Destiny so hit me up with an invite anytime if you have either of those games.
Welcome to the forums. If you play on x360 addme, gt - OnixEwok . I am usually playing cod blops2, ghosts or AW. If you haven't yet done so please follow your welcome visitor message to use the link to put in your application for you game and system of choice. If you have any questions feel free to search the forums for the answer odds are someone has already asked and had it answered. If the answer cannot be found feel free to ask it, and someone in the this family will gladly answer. Get yourself acquainted with these forums as to rank up and succeed you will need to be active on them. So look around and enjoy your stay.
Lastly be sure you review and follow the code of conduct and chain of command.
Hiya and welcome to the CAG forums! If you play any of the CoDs on the 360 feel free to add my gamertag: EXEprog527. I'm on almost every night and hope to play with ya soon if you do!
If you haven't already and would like to apply to a specific console group, use the link in your welcome visitor message (found in your profile) to put in your application for your game and system of choice.
If you have any questions feel free to search the forums (top right: advanced search) or if you still have any other questions which need to be answered we are here to help.
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