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Thread: the CAG Clan Motto Could Be Wrong

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  1. #11
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    your secret is safe with me.


    I'm glad that you and I have reached this part in our friendship where a secret, no matter how public it may be made, is still safe to each other. Another level of trust has been forged.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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    all i do is forge trust and dry dock.

    Cheech's reply must be massive, he's been on this thread for awhile now lol

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  5. #13
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    You are not the only one to say it "could" be wrong .... I got this from 3 different people who "also" studied Latin and after "weeks" of the same debate and the same conclusions "You" came up with so did they "but" in the end they (all three) agreed that the current phrase is what was correct ... they did give me the following:

    "Canes ab inferno, Nex ad Totus"

    But we all decided that

    "Canibus ex Tartarus, nex at Totus" would be what we were going to use ...

    It's not a lot of work to change it to "Your" conclusion ...but it is "your" conclusion ... you yourself said that

    Quote Originally Posted by Gryff View Post

    Ex is a preposition that translates to, from. But it also means out of, because of, by reason of, according to. Meaning that from in this use rather means "Something happened because of, Something happened from, ect." In a Latin Phrase, "Ex Fide Fortis, From Faith (comes) Strength." Strength is there from Faith, because of Faith. Btw, Loyola School motto.

    Tartarus is a Masculine 2nd Declension Noun. The plural form being Tartari. It means the underworld, or the infernal regions (pl.). And since Hell is capitalized, then this would be correct, except for the grammar.


    is a Feminine 3rd Declension Noun that means violent death, murder. Mors, mortis is the same, Fem. 3rd Decl, but it means Death, Annihilation.

    is a conjunction which means but, on the contrary, while, but yet, at least. Doesn't mean to. 'Ad' is a preposition that comes before a noun in the accusative form, that does mean to, towards, on

    Totus is an adjective that means all, whole, entire, total. It signifies a whole, in reference to all parts. Omnis would be the next adjective which means "in general to all parts of one, or in general all individuals". Cunctus is another adjective, and it means "united together". The last adjective of use would be Universi, which means "everything with no expecption"
    So you know that there are many ways to go about with this phrase "motto" ..... you made it quite clear above right?

    With that said .... you saying that you did not mean for this to come across as a "snide remark" or rude is exactly what you meant to do just by saying that it was not your intention to do so .....

    I have 6 other versions of this phrase that we could of used and where all correct ... yes Canibus "is" dative here but there is also another reason for using "Canibus" which I am sure you are smart enough to figure out and why I don't want to get into why "I" decided to stick with "Canibus" ....

    What you could of done better to not come across as "rude" and "snide" was start a thread asking how who ever came up with this phrase did it and why they believe it is correct ..."Then" and only then after a response from most certainly "Me" I would of explained to you why that phrase was chosen .....
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #14
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    From the tensing used I do like how its said. It's confusing at first but if you dig into the fine details you come out with it well.

    Lets all take latin and play pubs, doing call outs and greeting each other in such fashion.


    I forge... Everything.
    Pondered upon a rainy plateau, with a coal forge, and many dragon.

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  9. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    1)"but" in the end they (all three) agreed that the current phrase is what was correct ... they did give me the following:

    "Canes ab inferno, Nex ad Totus"

    But we all decided that

    "Canibus ex Tartarus, nex at Totus" would be what we were going to use ...

    2)With that said .... you saying that you did not mean for this to come across as a "snide remark" or rude is exactly what you meant to do just by saying that it was not your intention to do so .....

    3)I have 6 other versions of this phrase that we could of used and where all correct ... yes Canibus "is" dative here but there is also another reason for using "Canibus" which I am sure you are smart enough to figure out and why I don't want to get into why "I" decided to stick with "Canibus" ....

    4)What you could of done better to not come across as "rude" and "snide" was start a thread asking how who ever came up with this phrase did it and why they believe it is correct ..."Then" and only then after a response from most certainly "Me" I would of explained to you why that phrase was chosen .....
    1) I respectfully disagree with all three of them that what they came down to was correct, and most certainly what you all decided is still not what you say it translates out to. The entire point of my post was not to prove someone wrong. It was to show that the current motto doesn't mean "Dogs from Hell, Death to All". Not at least in the way that I and I am assuming, most others read it. But I could be wrong and I am fine with that.

    2) People need to stop claiming that. Yea, a good chunk of the time people really do want to cover up what they actually mean, but that's not everyone. Its a stereotype. And it needs to stop. I sincerely had no intention for this to be a snide remark or come across as rude. And I made that statement knowing and expecting full well, for someone to make a comment as you just did. O well.

    3) I'd like to see them. Not because I want proof, but because I'm curious. I like the Latin language, it intrigues me. Its fucking cool. Canibus is the plural form of Canes. It could be dative or ablative. to/for or by/with/from. So it could mean "Dogs from", but you would still need the preposition before it, "Ab" to make the statement grammatically correct.

    4) I'm truly sorry, refer to Number 2. Now I think about it, I could've started a thread asking about it. But it wasn't in my stream of thoughts when I was first looking at the motto. But thats also why I didn't say, "HEY, Your motto is wrong, fix it!". I said, it could be wrong, here is my research, here is what I know, I hope some people get something out of it.

    I'm sorry you took this the wrong way. I had hoped your response would've been something more along the lines of, "Gryff, thanks your time and research into this. Its great to see someone interested in the clan motto and how it came about. However, this is where we originally came from, how we set it up, and our ultimate piece." To his is his own.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  10. #16
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    I'll look for the other versions. ..they are in an old email. ..

    Again. fail to understand why we chose this version of it....and for obvious reasons i won't get into it here. ....

    I'm sorry I took it this way?...
    Ur thread could of been posted a completely different way and u admitted it....instead you DID want to educate others and "i" am taking this as a personal and direct attempt to educate me while trying to make me look like a fool. ...again. time you think something might be wrong not just here but anywhere. ...ask why whatever you think might be wrong came about to what it is...

    Sent From On Top Of This Cold Ass Toilet!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  11. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post

    Sent From On Top Of This Cold Ass Toilet!!
    I hope everything comes out alright.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  12. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Gryff For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (February 18th, 2015)

  13. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    I'll look for the other versions. ..they are in an old email. ..

    Again. fail to understand why we chose this version of it....and for obvious reasons i won't get into it here. ....

    I'm sorry I took it this way?...
    Ur thread could of been posted a completely different way and u admitted it....instead you DID want to educate others and "i" am taking this as a personal and direct attempt to educate me while trying to make me look like a fool. ...again. time you think something might be wrong not just here but anywhere. ...ask why whatever you think might be wrong came about to what it is...

    Sent From On Top Of This Cold Ass Toilet!!
    My apologies, next time I'll ask.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  14. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gryff View Post
    My apologies, next time I'll ask.
    No my Man need to apologize ...just letting you know how "I" personally believe that something like this should of been discussed from the beginning ....

    I am no Latin scholar lol ..I never studied Latin ... I consulted with 3 people who did study it ... we then looked at all the different versions ... at the time I was really "medicating" lol ... So I liked "Canibus" .... "Canes" was bad ass too but "Canibus" really looked and sounded cool in case we felt like branding our logo and it's "Motto" .... there were several different reasons why we chose what you see now ...

    Make a little more sense now?
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  15. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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  16. #20
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    No my Man need to apologize ...just letting you know how "I" personally believe that something like this should of been discussed from the beginning ....

    I am no Latin scholar lol ..I never studied Latin ... I consulted with 3 people who did study it ... we then looked at all the different versions ... at the time I was really "medicating" lol ... So I liked "Canibus" .... "Canes" was bad ass too but "Canibus" really looked and sounded cool in case we felt like branding our logo and it's "Motto" .... there were several different reasons why we chose what you see now ...

    Make a little more sense now?
    It does, thank you.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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