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Thread: the CAG Clan Motto Could Be Wrong

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  1. #1
    Gryff's Avatar
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    the CAG Clan Motto Could Be Wrong

    Everyday, I sign into CAG Clan forums, I get the obvious "Vote for CAG". After doing so, my eyes go to the log in boxes to log in. But sometime I read over the front page just to look at things. Today I took a look at the motto that I hadn't noticed before. Seen it, but hadn't looked at it.

    "Canibus ex Tartarus, Nex at Totus"

    As explained by CAG CheechDogg in this thread: (, it means "Dogs from Hell, Death to All"

    Instead of just moving on, I looked at it again. The screaming voice inside me was telling me it was wrong. And I looked at it, and I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that it very well could be wrong. So I decided to research it. But first, I'll tell you how I believe it could be wrong. I took 4 years of Latin. From basic words, to declensions, to full sentences, to translating paragraphs and sometimes speeches, to finally writing it. I learned out of a textbook that is considerably old, but most of the information could be found online if someone did enough searching. I learned from a teacher who was working on a PhD in Latin and Roman studies. So this is what I did:

    I initially started with the words:

    Canibus is a form of Canis which is a Masculine noun of the 3rd Declension that means Dog. The suffix -ibus, is the Dative declension form that means to or for. So immediately, the phrase starts out in English as "To/For (the) Dogs..."

    Ex is a preposition that translates to, from. But it also means out of, because of, by reason of, according to. Meaning that from in this use rather means "Something happened because of, Something happened from, ect." In a Latin Phrase, "Ex Fide Fortis, From Faith (comes) Strength." Strength is there from Faith, because of Faith. Btw, Loyola School motto.

    Tartarus is a Masculine 2nd Declension Noun. The plural form being Tartari. It means the underworld, or the infernal regions (pl.). And since Hell is capitalized, then this would be correct, except for the grammar.


    is a Feminine 3rd Declension Noun that means violent death, murder. Mors, mortis is the same, Fem. 3rd Decl, but it means Death, Annihilation.

    is a conjunction which means but, on the contrary, while, but yet, at least. Doesn't mean to. 'Ad' is a preposition that comes before a noun in the accusative form, that does mean to, towards, on

    Totus is an adjective that means all, whole, entire, total. It signifies a whole, in reference to all parts. Omnis would be the next adjective which means "in general to all parts of one, or in general all individuals". Cunctus is another adjective, and it means "united together". The last adjective of use would be Universi, which means "everything with no expecption"

    So with all of that being said, here is what I came up with.

    Dogs from Hell, Death to All. Plural form of Canis is Canes. From Hell, ab(preposition meaning from a place) Tartaro (Have to put Tartarus in the ablative form mean by/with/from Tartarus.

    Death to All, unless you mean a violent death or murder to all, in which Death would be death (Yes, capitalization matters in Latin). But if you want to keep it capitalized I am going with mors, mortis. Meaning Annihilation, or Death himself. To All would be ad omnes. However, since we are more or less sentencing them all to death. I changed it to Universi ad mortem, All of them to death. Death to all, All of them to Death. Same meaning, different word usage.

    So now, with all of that combined the phrase reads, "Canes ab Tartaro, Universi ad mortem." (Capitalize the M in mortem for Death)

    "Canes ab Tartaro, Universi ad Mortem"--Dogs from Hell, Death to All.

    Note: Latin word order is not the same as English. Latin is almost like Yoda's speech.

    I hope this helps. I didn't intend for this to be rude, nor come across as a snide remark. Its not a move to educate others, but rather explain how I came to my conclusion without simply shoving it in yalls faces and saying, "This is the correct form. You are wrong. Ha!"

    I don't expect it to be changed either. It would be a lot of work I'm assuming.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  3. #2
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    Wow next time I'm watching a movie where some evil person is call demons in latin I'm gonna call you. Just to see if the movie people got it right.

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    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    Lol that's some in depth research mate, all that info has my head melting lol but yeah I suppose informative to everyone here .

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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG RE4PER View Post
    Wow next time I'm watching a movie where some evil person is call demons in latin I'm gonna call you. Just to see if the movie people got it right.

    I appreciate that. It warms my heart to think I am helping others.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Gryff For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (February 17th, 2015)

  9. #5
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    Nailed it. Took Latin for four years as well.
    Pondered upon a rainy plateau, with a coal forge, and many dragon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gryff View Post
    I appreciate that. It warms my heart to think I am helping others.

    Iv always wondered what the priest recited in Latin in the film the exorcist lol
    CAG JB

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  11. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

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  12. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnbai84 View Post
    Iv always wondered what the priest recited in Latin in the film the exorcist lol
    Confide in Google. It is your friend.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  13. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Gryff For This Fucking Post:

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  14. #8
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    everyone knows the real motto in fine print says "you gotta be a fag to be in CAG"

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  15. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

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  16. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    everyone knows the real motto in fine print says "you gotta be a fag to be in CAG"

    I plead the 5th.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

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  17. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Gryff For This Fucking Post:

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    your secret is safe with me.



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