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Thread: Crew Noticeboard: the Unusual Females, LS Hell Hounds, Heavy Metal Invasion And Others Now Recruiting

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    Crew Noticeboard: the Unusual Females, LS Hell Hounds, Heavy Metal Invasion And Others Now Recruiting

    The Crew Noticeboard is our featured column of Crews actively seeking new members to join their ranks where we publish your recruitment pitches in your own words.The latest edition features some new blood, as well as familiar faces branching out elsewhere in the GTA Online Crew community. Representing a few contrasting styles, you should certainly find a solid Crew here to get in where you fit in. Check out the recruitment pitches below to see what works for you. Fearless23 and his up and coming group of prowlers known as the fearsome Los Santos Hell Hounds are looking to hold their enemies' feet to the fire. With a recently forged alliance with the Paleto Bay based Hellhounds MC PB1, they seem bound and determined to run with the big dogs."Founded Sept 21st 2013 by Fearless23. We're a laid back group of people who enjoy running around Los Santos and Blaine County killing and chilling. Getting together to rep up and earn cash. If you're tired of being a lone wolf and want to join a pack, then by all means come be a Hell Hound and take some people to Hell. We are specifically looking to build on a new team for PlayStation 4 and also members to maintain the PlayStation 3 side of the Crew.When you come into this Crew, any ideas or suggestions you have for Event holdings are welcome to be brought to the table. Activities Los Santos Hell Hounds gather in GTAV to do plenty of activities, these include (but are not limited to): Racing, Snapmatics, Car Shows, Missions, TDM, LTS, and more. We pretty much do it all with no questions asked. There will definitely be something for everyone being a Hell Hound.Motto: Hell Awaits For Those Who Cross Us!"Website: Sporting an iconic look, the Western MotorcycleCo lead by Billy.Pilgrim rolls in a tight formation - in love with the freedom of the open road, the smell of fresh leather and the relatively drama-free existence that comes with keeping it casual and simply cruising."The Western Motorcycle Company Cruisers are passionate about one thing: Western Motorcycles. We are a dedicated cruising community with over 200 active members from all over the world spanning the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and soon to be PC. We pride ourselves on our ability to bring people together over a shared passion of American Motorcycles - organizing regular cruises, Crew sessions, and custom made Crew game modes. We also have a passion for Snapmatic photography, showing off the creative nature of many of the talented photographers ranging throughout the community and its platforms.Crew PoliciesThere is a zero tolerance policy towards anyone who abuses their position within the Crew, which will result in being kicked and banned from any future activities within the Crew. This includes: unnecessary killing of fellow Crew members, starting unnecessary rivalries with other MC's or Crews and making fellow members feel uncomfortable through sexist, racist or bullying remarks. Originally on organized cruises, members were expected to ride either a Daemon, Bagger or Sovereign. This rule has since been lifted to include other types of cruisers and touring bikes; this includes the LCC Hexer and Innovation, as well as the Dinka Thrust.As aforementioned, we are a casual Crew; members are not required to be active, and are free to join other MC's or Crews so long as rivalries or problems between MC's are left outside of WMCC. When on organized cruises however, it is required that members have WMCC set as their active Crew, due to the nature of a closed Crew session. We are open to all platforms; however we do have an age limit of 18+. This is to ensure that our members are mature enough to truly appreciate the Crew and its ideals. A microphone isn't required for the Crew, but you will find communication between members a lot easier if you have one. Promotions within the Crew are based upon how active players are within the Crew. Commissioner positions are reserved for platform leaders, Lieutenant positions are reserved for trusted members of the Crew that have shown they are totally dedicated to the Crew and its ideals, Representative positions are for members who are active on their specific platforms; promotion to this position is usually at the discretion of the specific platform Commissioner. We are always looking for active members across all platforms; if you love Motorcycles, and like the idea of being a part of a like-minded community while avoiding all of the drama and patriarchal BS of most MC Crews, then join today!"GTAF Recruitment: Having had some prior experience with Crews, AlucardVHellspwn returns to lead the rockin' clique known as Heavy Metal Invasion. Focused and motivated, he seems more than willing to pull out all the stops to accommodate the needs of potential Crew members."My Crew is Heavy Metal Invasion, we live by four rules featured in this video. In that same video, I mention contests and events. The rewards from events and contests can be anything, even things paid for out of my own pocket such as PSN cards. I think it's safe to say we as a Crew could use some more exposure to other GTAO players.The Rules:1. Respect fellow members.2. Back up any members in trouble.3. No member left behind.4. Have fun!We accept anyone from any platform regardless of their level, whether or not they have a mic, or the language they speak (we are willing to break through language barriers). When one joins my Crew, they should know that membership in this Crew may be different than what they may expect. Membership in this Crew is that of camaraderie. If someone kills you, we will avenge you; if you need help earning RP or cash, we are there to help; if you need help finding a certain vehicle, we will find it for you; and if you just want to hang out or shoot the breeze, we will be there. We will also have a clubhouse which comes with all the comforts GTAO has to offer along with specialty Crew vehicles for Crew missions. I am working on a system to make it more accessible to members since the game limits access to only when the owner of the property is in the session. An internet radio station is in the works as well and Crew t-shirts in real life are also an idea I am contemplating. Basically, as a Crew leader I am driving down every avenue possible to make my Crew not only a success but to stand out and have happy proud members." Some may recall the purple-and-green clad Crew members of The Unusual Fellas from one of our early Crew Noticeboards. Now the female side of their ranks, headed up by pinkstar59 and aptly dubbed The Unusual Females, are looking to bring their own unique style to the table."Hi! The Unusual Females are recruiting in GTAV on PS3 and PS4! My Crew is very active online, and we often play together. My Commissioner, dallasplane24, is especially active on PS4. Below you see her with a new member, Kat_Petrova_O. Dallas works hard, introducing new members to the community, helping them rank up, and teaching them the ways of GTAV. I'm proud of all my members, but Dallas is especially deserving of recognition. I'm trying to get more people to work with her and new members through our community page on Facebook. I think our Unusual Family concept is unique in the GTAV community. So many of our people now have Unusual in their Facebook names showing their solidarity with the Family. dey_kill_killer of The Unusual Fellas spawned the Family and still holds its head. Check us out, you won't be sorry!"Facebook: Channel: Finally, we had to feature this magnificent video from the mecs of French Motorcycle Crew The Black Riders MC, headed up by RorkenFR. Style, soundtrack and substance combine to espouse the Crew's policies of "egalité, fraternité et anéantir enfoirés!""We're a French motorcycle club with 60 active members on both supports. We are mostly a Role Playing Crew but we also often organize 'fun sessions'.When a member joins us, he becomes a 'Prospect'. He can't ride or wear the patch on his leather jacket. When he seems active enough (on the forum and IG), he must pass a secret initiation ritual to become a 'Representative' of the Club and earn his Chopper and his patch.To join us, you must apply on the RSC Social Club wall or at our forum, where you can subscribe and write a little speech about yourself.Thanks in advance!'Born to Lose, Live to Win!'Rorken FR / Thomas Bucher"Forum: Of course, if you’re already part of a Crew that's looking for new recruits, drop a link in the comments below for all to see (but only once, please – those who copy and paste spam the same recruitment message more than once at the Newswire will not be featured at the Noticeboard). Or hit us up at and let us know why your Crew deserves recognition for originality, skill or effort... we may publish your want ad in a future Noticeboard.This is also an ideal opportunity to show off your Crew pride with any fun group Snapmatic pics, Crew artwork creations or awesome gameplay vids that show everyone why your squad is the place to be or the team to beat. Remember to leave a link to your Crew's Social Club page so that you're easily spotted by those looking to answer your call. Previously:PlayStation 4 & Xbox One Crews Now Recruiting

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