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Thread: What Do You Dislike About AW the Most?

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  1. #31
    CAG Stud
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    What do I dislike about AW? ....

    Let's start with the bullshit hit detection that should of been fixed 4 COD games ago. No other game has hit detection as horrible or worse than COD games ... this game was intended for "pick up and play" players which are your casual gamers who like to run around and just spray and pray all game long ... you don't need any kind of skill to play this game .. all you need is quick reaction and a modded controller or 3rd party controller that gives you an advantage over players who play with regular controllers and you can be a "BEAST" ...

    On top of that having a bad connection is not always a bad thing ... you can actually hold an advantage over the rest with a bad connection because you are skipping all over the map and everyone else to you is actually moving fine ... it's a "default" lag switch !!!!

    Second is the unbalanced weapons ... now it's not just on COD games but just about every game ... you should not be able to kill someone with a motherfucking SMG from 100 yards out who has a fucking assault rifle or a designated marksman's riffle !!!!! having a short fucking barrel decreases range and accuracy at long to mid ranges especially long ranges !!!! GET THIS SHIT FIXED AND GET IT RIGHT !!!

    Sniper Rifles should be more difficult to handle and move with in close quarters ...there should be not fucking reason why someone should be running around with a fucking sniper rifle quick or no scoping everyone at all !!!!! GET THIS SHIT FIXED AND GET IT RIGHT !!!!

    This is not HALO or RED FACTION ... this is Military Style Combat shooting games MOTHER FUCKERS !!! and why do you even join a fucking clan if you guys are going to run around like idiots lonewolfing it not caring about what your clan members are doing and not calling shit out !!!

    AW is ruining the concept of what a "CLAN" is all about ... it is turning clans into groups of douche bag fucks who are only worried about their personal stats and highlights that they can record using the command "XBOX RECORD THAT" and it will record it to later brag about it and for what?

    I thought that Ghosts was the worse COD game to date but after only 2 weeks of playing AW I have no doubt that AW is an even bigger piece of shit game than COD Ghosts. I can't tell you how many times I have been killed by a laser gun who somehow manages to freeze my character and doesn't allow me to get off one single shot and I get shot by the motherfucker with a laser gun ...

    I have been playing BF4 for the last 3 weeks and I have been having a blast playing a game that requires actual skill to play ... Yes there are times when I feel I have been fucked of a kill but not like on AW or Ghosts I will tell you that much ...

    The spawn system on AW can be managed as we have proven that in the past ... but even then if you fuck up even once the game can quickly turn to shit ..
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  3. #32
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    Come on Cheech tell us how you really feel...

    Sad to say but I agree with a lot of what you say but with ever CoD I get used to all the fuck-ups and continue to play. Siege is coming and looks to be A LOT more realistic maybe I'll give that a try.

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  4. #33
    xsilentgoodbyexx's Avatar
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    I bought BF4 when it first came out, and it was/is the worse game I've ever played. The maps are so big I couldn't find anyone, so the whole time I'm running around hoping I'm in the right spot when all that ends up happening is me getting shot in the back the whole time. Somehow magically it takes me 4-5 shots to kill someone but they get off one round and I'm down. I don't know if it was because I was just starting out but it wouldn't let me pick a gun or even see if and what options there was, it was just pick a class and hope it works out for you. It made me rage quit quicker and harder than any game I've ever played.

    Personally I think the maps in AW are fine, their big enough for snipers to play, but small enough to where they can't stay in the same spot for 30 kills like on ghosts.

    What I don't like about AW is the same thing I've hated about ALL CODs. They need to make it to where you can select which maps you want to play on.

    Also, they should make it to where you can only join a game that hasn't started yet. I get tired of being thrown into a game (like domination) where the score is 156-23 and there's guys all over the map, so you respawn die, respawn die, respawn take two steps die. And then when you say fuck that, and try to get into a different game it puts you right back into the same game you just left.

    The lag IS an issue, it will continue to be an issue until it loses popularity. I remember playing ghosts when it first came out and it was LAGGGGGGGGY, then I got into other games (got tired of camping ass snipers) and picked it back up about 4 months before AW came out and it was never laggy then.

    There's several things I could mention that should/need to be fixed that will never happen simply because they'd rather stick to the blueprints and make a few 100 million and then release the next one the same time next year. When a game takes ONE year to come out, you know it's going to be shitty. But when a game takes YEARS to come out you know it's going to be something special. Which is why I can't wait for Tom Clancy's The Division.

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  5. #34
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    FYI silentgoodbye AW had a three year development cycle. You make some good points also.

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  6. #35
    MERZiN8's Avatar
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    Just weeks before, joining CAG, I was a CoD player. Ghosts, and I was so sick of it. It was such a disappointment. Not to mention, I feel MW3, was an exact remake of MW2, with some color changes. Between the hit detection, seeming to be the same game, and the repetition of it all. Meh. I got to the point, I could not do it anymore. I loved Battlefield. Everything about the game. But playing on a team is important. When you play alone, it is very easy to get discouraged. So, when I sought out CAG I was looking for a BF group. And boy oh boy did I find one. I can go on all day about the reasons why BF is far superior to CoD, but in all honesty, Mr. Cheech hit on a lot of the points already. Now with all that being said, the experience that I see and the experience that Mr.SilentGoodbye sees are different. He is on PS4, which I cannot speak to. However, I played MW2 on PS3 after playing it on X360, and I have to say, the competition on PS3 was crazy easy compared to Xbox. I was murdering people on PS. I am not sure if the overall CoD base has gotten better, but they used to be terrible. I never played another game on PS after that, I may get a PS4 eventually, but I do not think I will be wasting any more money on more versions of CoD games. I believe CoD is training wheels for BF. I send my little cousin in to play CoD, so he can learn how FPSs work, then when he is ready I show him the real man's game.

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  8. #36
    StainShake's Avatar
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    The big maps are a great thing imo, because it mixes up the experience everytime you play, instead of playing on games with smaller maps, where it is all about getting into one of the same head glitch/positions everytime. That is my main beef with COD games. They get so damn boring after awhile because the maps are so small (I'm trying to stay on topic here). MW3 was the last COD game I played alot, and I played the shit out it, was ranked top 50 worldwide in HQ during my hayday (probably still in the top 100, haven't checked for years), I also played a little BO2, but not much, that was the last COD game it bought though. I really like zombies though, and that would be the thing to bring me back to COD, along with making the maps bigger. Grief mode was amazing with a good team, but high rounding maps was pretty fun too.
    I'm not sure if the maps got bigger on ghosts or AW, and if they did, I will have to eat my words about complaining about the map size.
    You should honestly give BF4 another try buddy. The problems you described are all the woes of being a newbie on it. Everybody goes through those problems in the beginning, but once you get some maps down, and get some of the better gear unlocked it is quite fun. Nesty is an amazing player, and I'm sure he would love to get some games in with you. If I had a PS4, I would too.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentgoodbyexx View Post
    I bought BF4 when it first came out, and it was/is the worse game I've ever played. The maps are so big I couldn't find anyone, so the whole time I'm running around hoping I'm in the right spot when all that ends up happening is me getting shot in the back the whole time. Somehow magically it takes me 4-5 shots to kill someone but they get off one round and I'm down. I don't know if it was because I was just starting out but it wouldn't let me pick a gun or even see if and what options there was, it was just pick a class and hope it works out for you. It made me rage quit quicker and harder than any game I've ever played.

    Personally I think the maps in AW are fine, their big enough for snipers to play, but small enough to where they can't stay in the same spot for 30 kills like on ghosts.

    What I don't like about AW is the same thing I've hated about ALL CODs. They need to make it to where you can select which maps you want to play on.

    Also, they should make it to where you can only join a game that hasn't started yet. I get tired of being thrown into a game (like domination) where the score is 156-23 and there's guys all over the map, so you respawn die, respawn die, respawn take two steps die. And then when you say fuck that, and try to get into a different game it puts you right back into the same game you just left.

    The lag IS an issue, it will continue to be an issue until it loses popularity. I remember playing ghosts when it first came out and it was LAGGGGGGGGY, then I got into other games (got tired of camping ass snipers) and picked it back up about 4 months before AW came out and it was never laggy then.

    There's several things I could mention that should/need to be fixed that will never happen simply because they'd rather stick to the blueprints and make a few 100 million and then release the next one the same time next year. When a game takes ONE year to come out, you know it's going to be shitty. But when a game takes YEARS to come out you know it's going to be something special. Which is why I can't wait for Tom Clancy's The Division.

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  9. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to StainShake For This Fucking Post:

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