Welcome Ragez Fury93 Glad you have joined!
Have a look around, and ask if you have any questions.
Thanks, from the staff at CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums
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Meet the newest members of the Clan here as well as view their introductions
Welcome Ragez Fury93 Glad you have joined!
Have a look around, and ask if you have any questions.
Thanks, from the staff at CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums
Cool, an automatic introduction! Never seen one of those before.
My name is Shane. I love to play COD during any freetime I have between Work, School, and my love life. I am currently enrolled in another clan, but it is quite small and I don't see any clan members on, so I feel quite left out. I am quite interested in this clan, but I have one question: Are there any activity requirements?
I work and go to class every day, so sometimes I may be active for a week straight, and sometimes I may be inactive for a month or two. So if there are any activity requirements, I'm sorry.
Hope to be part of this awesome clan!
Hiya and welcome to CAG! If you play any of the CoDs on the 360 feel free to add my gamertag: EXEprog527. I'm on almost every night and hope to play with ya soon if you do!
While you are in recruit status we ask that within your first 2 weeks you complete your marksman badge (15+ kills, 10- deaths) and make 25 forum posts.. That would be probably one of the more activity demanding processes right off but once you are past recruit status if you're going to be MIA for a few months we have a MIA thread to let us know. We are an understanding family and know that things in life would come first.
Welcome to CAG Forums!!
Hope you enjoy your stay here at CAG we are glade you came. We are a family and we love to meet new people.
Please feel free to fill out a Clan Application and join CAG Clan we welcome you with open arms.
If you have any questions feel free to ask we would love to answer them for you.
If you are x360 and play any of the Call Of Duty games feel free to add me to your xbl friends.
GT: CAG Killfrost
Thank you for choosing CAG and have a nice day.
Awesome. Welcome to CAG. If you play AW on XB1 feel free to add me so we can get started on your marksman.
Welcome to the CAG forums! Take a look around the forms and maybe even introduce yourself. If you play advanced warfare, ghosts, or any of the other CODs on the 360 hit me up and we'll play together. My GT is RedneckBatman72. If you need any help or have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Hey wats up I'm CAG ShadowSnypr I am on the Xbox 1. I play mostly Destiny but I am more than willing to help you out in any game that I may own. Feel free to hmu any time you wish just be sure to let me know in a msg that you are in CAG.
With precision and deadliness;
CAG ShadowSnypr
Welcome to the forums. If you play on x360 addme, gt - OnixEwok . I am usually playing cod blops2, ghosts or AW. If you haven't yet done so please follow your welcome visitor message to use the link to put in your application for you game and system of choice. If you have any questions feel free to search the forums for the answer odds are someone has already asked and had it answered. If the answer cannot be found feel free to ask it, and someone in the this family will gladly answer. Get yourself acquainted with these forums as to rank up and succeed you will need to be active on them. So look around and enjoy your stay.
Lastly be sure you review and follow the code of conduct and chain of command.
Welcome to the Forums! If you play Advanced Warefare on the 360 feel free to add me (John Wayn3 Swag). There are some really great people here you will meet and who are willing to answer all of your questions about the Forum and the Clan. I'm only a recruit (until tomorrow) so I know from first hand experience that the forum can be a little intimidating because it's so big but don't be afraid to ask members if you have any questions! Also, Clan members are willing to go out of there way to help you achieve badges so don't be afraid to ask for help. Best of luck.
- Will