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Thread: Clash of Clans General Tips & War Tactics

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    Clash of Clans General Tips & War Tactics

    Alright, it was suggested maybe i pm members with tips and advice, rather than post in game. So if you dont want advice, stop reading. Orrr even better than me...check out a Chief Pats you tube channel.

    In CoD AW I am a noob casual player. In clash, because I haven't been able to truly game on a console until recently, I am more of a skilled competitor. I have been playing hard for two years+ and have been taught a ton. Gods will have some insight too. I am just trying to bring people up to speed or at least help. You may not think so but precision teamwork is needed to be successful in clash of clans wars, much like cod of bf.

    Basic farming /non-war
    -Upgrade splash damage defenses first.
    -upgrade archers, giants, or barbarians first. These are what earn the bulk of raiding loot. Things like dragons, pekka, and special troops are not worth using at lvl 1.
    -when upgrading defensive buildings, do not protect them inside walls, its a waste of valuable space. Put a mine or collector in its place until done.
    -Do not use gems to finish or build buildings. You get the best use out of gems if you boost your troop building barracks and raid hard -for the 2 hours.
    -When going to farm raid, keep pressing next until you find an abandoned base with full collectors or a base with full storages and hammer them. Trust me its well worth it to wait rather just attack a player for chump change.
    -leave your townhall outside the wall. You should only protect either your resources or the townhall. Not both. Especially when focusing on upgrading your base or troops
    -get your hero's ASAP, and upgrade them as much as you can. They are super helpful.
    -if your going to bed, and your base is full of resources, build an army and when your camp is full, fill each barrack queue with expensive troops like wallbreakers. Think of it as a bank. Just remember to empty it in the morning
    -do the same when a troop is about to finish upgrading, if you have a queue full of the troop being upgraded, and cancel those builds once the troop is upgraded, you earn the difference in cost. Free elixir.

    -The first 24 hours is prep. The only time you can tweak your war base. If you dont like your base, try copying an enemies base from previous wars. Particularly if the clan had a hard time raiding it. You can also find good bases on a google image search.
    -no need to protect resources in your war base. They have higher hitpoints so put them outside of walls. Takes enemies longer to kill and therefore your defenses can spend longer shooting them.
    -Make your clan castle or townhall the centrepiece. A well protected Clan Castle full of good troops will at the very least eat up your opponents time to kill it, at best your CC will kick some of the steam out of their raid .
    -while you may be upgrading a defense, during war raids it is still actively defending so dont sweat it.
    -avoid blending Air and Ground troops to war raid. The enemy has both air and ground defenses and will make quick work of your raid. Go all air or all ground for best results. Including what your raiding Clan Castle has in it.
    -even when not in a war its good to try a war style raid against a tough opponent
    -Kiting an enemies Clan Castle troops. This. Is. Key. Especially for the majority of war raid troop builds. Kiting, or luring out the troops, must be done to limit the damage they can do to your raids. Failure to do this can basically ruin your raid. Not good. Trigger their CC by sending a giant or two right next to their CC or within its response zone. Make sure you got the entire CC worth. Wait for those giants to die, then deploy a single archer or barb in an area away from their defensive structures. Do this until you have them isolated. Easier to watch this in a you tube video.
    -lvl 1 pekka and lvl 1 drags arent much use. Pekka rent decent until lvl 3, and drags lvl. 2. You are better off with giants, and wizards, if upgraded.
    -learn to spot the "dont raid this base with this troop" bases. A base with strong centred air defenses shouldnt be attacked with dragons. Bases that spread across the entire screen and are really spaced out cant be killed with pekka or drags. You run out of time.
    -wallbreakers are important to punch holes in the wall. Otherwise precious time is wasted.

    There is the start to this thread. Feel free to discuss, counterpoint, add to this list. The purpose is to share ideas and improve. These tactics can change too, as Supercell likes to tweak gameplay and such.

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    Troop Builds/configurations:

    Farming full collectors -mostly barbarians and archers. 50/50 or even a bit more archers. This is cheap and fast. If you cycle through the possible raids like a champ and get good abandoned bases you will rack up loot.

    Farming full storages- the first thing I look for is full storages and a shitload of possible loot. Then I want to see a defensive building down due to upgrading. If the base is plump for a raid and weak enough, raid. A good ground attack with 20% arch, 20% barb, 40% giants, 15/20% wiz, 5-10% wallbreakers, and maybe a healer. Use this as a rough base to start. This is for bases up to th9/10. This is slower and more dangerous. If you fail you can lose resources instead of racking em up.

    war raid- use your best. 40% giants, 30% wiz if upgraded, wallbreakers, a few archers to pick off the lone buildings on perimeter. Lvl 1hogs pekka or golem will leave you dissapointed. That said....practice and experiment, or YouTube lol. I have seen successful raids done with all lvl1 drags or mostly lvl3 hogs. But best to practice during non war. As you move up or upgrade this will change. My main account might use 4 lvl5 golems, 3 or 4 lvl2 witches, and a bunch of lvl 6 wizards with 5 spells(jump rage and heal or lightning).

    a few techniques:

    -use a giant tor two to draw fire, before letting wallbreakers go, to get the best chance of them hitting a wall
    -always send your wizards behind giants, for protection
    -if using a healer, avoid the air defenses, try to kill the closest one before releasing healer. Strong hogs are perfect for that
    -if using pekka, use wallbreakers, pekka are slowwwwww and need the help. Pekka are also dumb and will wander the perimeter of the enemy base if you let it
    -bases with a lot of squares or compartments will be hard to kill without using wallbreakers. If you dont have many built, try finding a base with limited layers
    -if using a hog raid, look for very tightly compacted bases, use heal spell , and avoid bases with large gaps where giant bombs are hidden
    -use the revenge option wisely. You can really scout an enemy and hone your raiding skills there. If you watch closely too, you can hammer him when his/her storages are fat with cash

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    War Clan Castle Reinforcements

    Most know this but; the clan castle we fill in preparation day is only used for our defense during war. It cant be used for anything else. It automatically resets after each raid.

    These reinforcements can have a huge impact on the war. Especially if your base is well designed and the CC is placed well. These troops can be the difference between getting 2 stared and getting 3 starred.


    If your CC is easily triggered and the troops easily lured off to the side to be slaughtered, it wont matter whats inside. However, if your CC is centred, a good mix of troops will be a pain in the ass to a would be attacker.

    Here are a few combinations or troops to put in the CC based on TH level. This is based on experimentation with my 30 member clan and 35 war wins .

    TH6/7 - these lower level th's will normally get crushed regardless, but sometimes the enemy is an idiot or we can limit them to. 2 stars by putting a strong dragon into the CC(lv2+). Another good troop is lvl2 witch with the rest archers. Often these lower th's get raided by dragons. Drags can be confused and stalled with the skeletons from the witch. I have max valks and they can do some serious damage too.

    TH8 - stronger drags (3+), All archers, 1 max balloon rest archers, 1 max valk rest wizards, 1 wiz rest archers. These mixes are meant to delay the raid, and mayyyybe kill a few important troops.

    TH9/10 - depends on the CC level but the techniques are the same. 1 max balloon and rest archers, 1 max witch 2 wiz rest archers, 1 max witch 2 wiz rest minions, all minions, all archers

    Troops NOT to put in the WAR CC: barbarians, giants, goblins, hogs, golems, healers, wallbreakers, lvl 1 anything

    There should be no reason the clans War CC is not completely full before war. It is very important.

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    Protecting The Clan Castle and Funnelling

    Here is an image of one of my old clanmates bases that illustrates two things.

    1) how to make your clan castle difficult to kite, or trigger /kill, which helps to defend your base better
    2)funnel troops away from your townhall, and around the base, allowing defenses to hammer the enemy troops


    1) Understanding the Protection Ring/Trigger Area
    Your clan cast has a big trigger ring, and you need to know how to use it. Iin the image its the thin white circle. In order to trigger all your troops during a raid, the enemy has to get a few troops inside this. How do you prevent it? Two prong approach. Spaced out buildings, and strategically placed defenses OUTSIDE of have trigger area. Yes. I know. But the most common way to trigger these is to send hogs, giants, or balloons to hit a defense INSIDE the ring. So by placing defenses outside, enemies have to go through regular buildings AND defensive buildings to get into the ring. This highlighted in the red half circles. They have to expose more troops to trigger it.

    An easily triggered CC can be done with a few archers or giants.

    2) Funneling. Basically this means forcing the enemy through an area so defenses can get more time on them. In this example, notice there are no defenses in have middle ring. That means giants or golems will have to be attracted to the nearest defense along the outer ring . Making them clump and get hit by xbows in the centre. The blue circles are areas to put double bombs (good for hogs). This strategy also allows you to get the best use of spring traps, between those defenses, to thin out giants.

    So if you are having difficulty with defending. Ask yourself..."is my CC doing its job?" "Is my base defenses weak or just not strategically placed"

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    Hey great posts ill be sure to look back at this once and awhile. I learned some new things i could probably put to use thanks.

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    Upgrading TownHall, and what to upgrade first when you do

    There are two types of people. Those that rush their townhall upgrades to get troops or defenses, and those that max out everything (troops,buildings, walls, spells, etc) before upgrading.

    I maxed out everything at TH6,7,8, and everything but walls at th9. So obviously this is the method I suggest and I shall tell you why:
    1) Loot Penalty. When you are a higher TH than the person you raid, you suffer a penalty and wont get as much loot as if you were the same level as them. This applies to your enemies as well so if you are a weak TH9....your loot is gonna get snatched up by a strong TH9
    2) Strength. More time spent on maxing everything at a lower level makes you a stronger opponent. Especially during war. You will be more evenly matched up.
    3) Time. As you level up your TH you get more defenses. Even if you maxed defenses before moving up, you STILL have to upgrade them 1 or two times PLUS now you have new ones to start and bring up to speed. This would take forever if you dont have 5 builders.
    4) cuz I'm OCD like that

    I cant speak for the other side of the coin. I have seen some successful rushed townhall bases but few and far between.

    Now you upgraded your TH, whats the first stuff you need to upgrade? Lab, Clan Castle, and Spell Factory. Why?

    Your lab will allow you to upgrade troops. Clan Castle holds more troops and loot (very important), and Spell Factory to hold more spells and open new ones. These are key to your success. This is yet another reason to have maxed out your defenses at the previous stage. So you dont have to struggle at the next level to earn or save these resources.

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    Here are some links:

    top ten tips by chief pat

    barching by chief pat

    Chief Pat has tons of great videos from basics to maxed townhall attack strategies. ClashWiki is a great source of information too.

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    Base builder - need a better base? Either design your own or use ones that are proven

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    I think we need to stop starting war one after another, no 1 not everyone in the clan uses there Attacks and we get hammered, no2 it costs a lot to succesfully complete two raids and when we loose it's all in vain so if we scheduled like one or two wars a week we could be prepared for them.

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    Here's to a long life and a merry one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xBRIANODONNELLx View Post
    I think we need to stop starting war one after another, no 1 not everyone in the clan uses there Attacks and we get hammered, no2 it costs a lot to succesfully complete two raids and when we loose it's all in vain so if we scheduled like one or two wars a week we could be prepared for them.

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    i completely agree, but wasnt about to say it, pretty sure I used up all my opinion credits lol

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