Oh there isn't an Lav mode I just think it would be cool... And tank Lav and jeep moble points.
The help point would just be jet ramded all the time.
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Nesty (February 4th, 2015)
P33Tza (February 5th, 2015)
I've been playing the professional, and I'm liking it. I unlocked the SOCOM DMR and its beast. I'm liking the infantry emphasis, and all around change of pace has been nice. I have noticed a few bugs, and ping being a little wonky but stable for the most part.
RzaRay (February 4th, 2015)
Im really liking this beta. I think it runs smoothly so far and the call out are funny as fuck. Lol
1st Lieutenant
WoT Platoon Commander
CavemanFTW (February 4th, 2015),RzaRay (February 4th, 2015)
RainyDaiz (February 5th, 2015)
U got a link buddy?
The whole loadout is confusing the shit out of me the way its layed out and unlocks.
Not to mention lmgs are pick ups and I haven't seen rpgs in the loadout so I surmise they are too which I am disappointed at.like who takes a chopper out with an m320?
P33Tza (February 5th, 2015),StormySGT ELIAS (February 5th, 2015)