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Thread: Anyone Got Any Advice On How To Snipe Well?

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  1. #1
    xsilentgoodbyexx's Avatar
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    Anyone Got Any Advice On How To Snipe Well?

    Been trying to get a vid of a good K/D, and I can get 18/6, 41/22, 19/7 (those are my last three) and I'm getting frustrated that I'll never be able to get to 15/5 solid. So I tried sniping, since I always seem them getting massive amounts of kills with like 4-6 deaths. Problem is I suuuuuuuuuuuuuck with a sniper rifle. by the time I see them it's too late. Let alone camping long enough to get two or three kills then moving to a new spot (successfully).

    I'm a SMG Rusher, always have been, it's just my playing style, but I get really upset with how TDM is played now-a-days. It feels more like S&D in Ghosts or Black Ops 2. People just camping with their team waiting for you to come to them, and S&D now is WAY more action-y than Ghosts or Black Ops 2, which is fine, I do good one on one, it's usually the dude hiding in the corner, or the one that gets me in my back right when I turn or look away.

    This is sort of a vent, too. Just looking for some advice on how some of the people who can get 25+ kills with only 1-5 deaths.

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  2. #2
    xsilentgoodbyexx's Avatar
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    I did it! Once at least. I know it doesn't actually count since I didn't have any members with me, but I feel proud of myself, not proud of how I got 15/5, but still happy. Will upload video later.

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  3. #3
    RedxCell2's Avatar
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    Hey, second post sounds like you're really getting there.

    Sniping's a bit f a bitch I find in AW. I started getting into sniping at the beginning of January - my girlfriend was living with me and she started playing CoD whilst I was at work. Eventually I found out but she was to embarrassed to play online with me so we would play Local Play on Multiplayer with 5 or 6 bots on the opposing side. Difficulty set to recruit for her obviously .

    Anyway I always used sniper otherwise I'd get bored too easily. Now we're hitting February and I'm back in to online modes - my sniper accuracy has improved ten-fold especially in those close up 1on1's.

    I'm not suggesting that you stick yourself in a local play game-mode for a month but a few games here and there will really improve your accuracy! Hope this helps a bit..

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  4. #4
    xsilentgoodbyexx's Avatar
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    I'll give it a shot. I just always hated how bulky they are, I feel so slow carrying them, and then the time it takes to aim KILLS me. By the time I get to look through the scope the person I was looking at down the map in the center of my screen moved and can't find them. Drop the weapon to see the layout and there they are, right in front of me, gunning me down mercilessly.

    But yeah, I decided to stick to my SMG. I'd rather my K/D be 20/10 than 1/10.

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  5. #5
    Based Zetsu's Avatar
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    Aye man good job on your sniping improvement. I wanna get good at sniping as well. If I was you, I would watch youtube tutorials and practice, practice, practice. Try that new game mode One Shot were everyone is forced to use the same sniper classes. I kinda hate how sniping works on CoD: Aw to be honest. Exo movements makes it more annoying and difficult. To eliminate exo movements, snipe in the classic playlist... Sniping comes natural if you work hard at it and willing to learn.. If there were ppl on MW2 again, I'd tell you to go there and try to nail it. That's why I first started sniping CoD style

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  6. #6
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentgoodbyexx View Post

    I'm a SMG Rusher
    that's your problem right there. if you want to die less just sit back and camp.

    now if this was Battlefield i would say stay close to a group of medics. but its not. so i wont.

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  7. #7
    xsilentgoodbyexx's Avatar
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    I did a bit of "tactical maneuvering" today during a game and got 38/8. With two team mate kills. One time it was he jumped into my line of fire while I was firing from a ways away, and the other time bad guy ran past me as team mate ran toward me the bad dude turned around, team mate didn't so it was kill or be killed, I chose life. Uploading a video of it. Will be finished in hopefully an hour and a half. I'll post on here again when it's up on my youtube, twitter, and facebook.

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  8. #8
    xsilentgoodbyexx's Avatar
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