Been trying to get a vid of a good K/D, and I can get 18/6, 41/22, 19/7 (those are my last three) and I'm getting frustrated that I'll never be able to get to 15/5 solid. So I tried sniping, since I always seem them getting massive amounts of kills with like 4-6 deaths. Problem is I suuuuuuuuuuuuuck with a sniper rifle. by the time I see them it's too late. Let alone camping long enough to get two or three kills then moving to a new spot (successfully).
I'm a SMG Rusher, always have been, it's just my playing style, but I get really upset with how TDM is played now-a-days. It feels more like S&D in Ghosts or Black Ops 2. People just camping with their team waiting for you to come to them, and S&D now is WAY more action-y than Ghosts or Black Ops 2, which is fine, I do good one on one, it's usually the dude hiding in the corner, or the one that gets me in my back right when I turn or look away.
This is sort of a vent, too. Just looking for some advice on how some of the people who can get 25+ kills with only 1-5 deaths.