Confirmed gg
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Update or start your Sharpshooter Badge thread here
OnixEwok (March 16th, 2015)
GypsyOutlaw (March 23rd, 2015)
I xan promise you breaks my still needing one game isnt for a lack or trying. Those who play with me can vouch, i always try my best but i am still learning this game so these dont come as easy for me. 2 weeks before joinging i had never played any x360 games online...... i will get it dones as soon as i can muster it up.
breaksk81 (March 23rd, 2015),GypsyOutlaw (March 23rd, 2015),PestiferousJoe (March 24th, 2015)
your doing a great job bro keep up the good work
as long as you are trying is all that matters but I hope ya knock it out soon so you can start on that Expert
OnixEwok (March 23rd, 2015)
I'll take you under my wing onix. We will get it done together. You will be a hard core gamer after I train you in the art of just turning off the outside world when you play.
Sent from Chi-Raq
breaksk81 (March 23rd, 2015),PestiferousJoe (March 24th, 2015)
Oh trust me its always fresh, for the most part it seems to be the lack of time i get on console. I know the game, i know my style, and when it clicks i am awesome. I play with razer chimera headphones so when i am on it me the controller and the game all else is irrelivant. I was actually hoping to have kmocked it off during wars but the day shift kept the tdm's under wraps so ineligible games were on deck to capture.
The other thing i seem to notice is when i am playing with a full lobby of CAG members the overal skill levels are so immense that my camp and run style is thwarted by the run and gunnners going around sacking everyone i sight be fore i see them. When it just me and on or two others i have 0 issue capping the top of the leaderboards quite often.
the only other onstacle and i hope all cna apprwciate my candidness and not misconteue it to any negativity, as many know i make it my duty to welcome and assist recruit line up with other members to get things under way, but the last few weeks my timing online has lined up with times that its me one other full member and 1 or 2 recruits, and their marksmans come first.
I understand that typically members of my rank usualky have these medals nestled away in their cabinets being shined and buffed daily, and that i need to get them soon.... i will just say this to close, my learning curve is decently steep and i have the tools and knowlege i require to succeed, i just the experience to make it second nature.
If only a recruit can confirm with like a screenshot or something that would be pretty cool, but i am going to assume only full members can confirm games.