So with all the hype about Hardline that has and will come, I thought I'd do a better analysis/breakdown of the classes and kits, as well as a comparison to that of Battlefield and see how the roles might be changed and such. Most of this is information refrenced directly from the Battlefield wikia, but the opinions stated later are of my own. I will make a gadgets and attachments post shortly after this one. Possibly include vehicles.
Operator: (Assault)
Assault Rifles- M16A3, AKM, M416, L85A2, ARM
Carbines- G36C, RO933, AKS-74U, CAR-556, ACWR, SG553
Pistols- 92FS, G17, P226, CZ-75
Mechanic: (Engineer)
Submachine Guns- MP5K, UMP-45, MPX, K10, UZI, P-90, M/45, FMG-9
Revolvers- .38 Snub, .357 RS, .44 Magnum, .410 Jury
Enforcer: (Support)
Shotguns- 870P Magnum, 37 Stakeout, SPAS-12, Double-Barrel Shotgun
Battle Rifles- SCAR-H, HCAR, SA-58 OSW, HK51
Pistols- M1911A1, 45T, Bald Eagle, .40 Pro
Professional: (Recon)
Bolt Action- Scout Elite, R700 LTR, AWM, .300 Knockout
Semi-Auto- SOCOM 16, SR-25 EEC, PTR-91, Saiga .308
Machine Pistols- TEC-9, 93R, G18C, MAC-10
Battle Pick-ups: (OP weapons, lol)
Light Machine Guns- M240B, MG36, M249
Launchers- RPG-7V2, SMAW, FIM-92 Stinger
With Carbines and Shotguns being class specific now, as well as the weapon selection being condensed and switched around, I can see players now focusing more so on their role/class. Battle rifles for the Support/Enforcer class are what intrigue me. SCAR-H for example is exclusive now to Enforcer, but the stock has been removed and can be added as an attachment. All BRs are 20 +1 Round magazines, with the standard heavy recoil, but high rate of damage. It will be interesting to see how they come into play.
Also, under Professional/Recon I noticed Semi-Auto. Now I'm not sure if these will act just like DMRs in BF4, or rather the same just with a higher distance/lower damage ratio to that of Bolt Action.
Interestingly enough, I think the pistols are what brings the class/kits full circle. Operators/Assault have pistols with a higher magazine capacity but low damage? Mechanic/Engineer have the Revolvers with high damage, low magazine and accuracy? Enforcers/Support have pistols about the same to Operators, but possibly more accurate per shot with smaller magazines? And then Professionals/Recon have the machine (auto) pistols, high rate of fire, large mag, smaller damage?
A note on Battle Pick-ups: Whichever team, depending on the game mode, holds the weapon's cache will be available to them. And instead of equipping it to their inventory, they can equip it to a vehicle's trunk.
One last note. Weapons, attachments, and gadgets must be purchased to be of use permanently. Money can be obtained through gameplay and there is no limit to how much money can be held. Does this mean that players will actually have to play the game now to get money and maybe/possibly play with their team to get more money? Tragic, I know. Will there be a possibility that you would have to buy a gun and stick with it and if you give it up for another, you have to buy it again? Hmmmmm.
What do yall think?