I apologize in advance Cheech, but I found all of these typos / things that might need clarifying in the awards section as I was going through it the last 5 hours and thought I'd post about it... (these are mostly in order as you go down the awards page)
Here we go:
Under Tactical Precision Medal - typos - who should be who's and screenshot should be 1 word
All instances of ribbon in the awards name should be changed to Ribbon (since all instances of medal and award is Medal and Award respectively)
3 month ribbon should become 3 Month Service Ribbon to match the case and title of others
4 month ribbon should become 4 Month Service Ribbon to match the case and title of others
COD: Advanced Warfare Royal Flush Medal moved to COD: AW section further down?
Under Pistol Marksman the line "Earning this badge makes a recruit an official member of the clan." should be moved to the proper section above which is the CAG Marksman.. Unless we are a pistol clan all of a sudden..
Pistol Marksman renamed to Pistol Marksman's Badge? (to match how COD: AW format is for its names of awards further below?)
Pistol Sharpshooter renamed to Pistol Sharpshooter's Badge?
Pistol Expert renamed to Pistol Expert's Badge?
Marksman Badge renamed to Marksman's Badge?
Sharpshooter Badge renamed to Sharpshooter's Badge?
Expert Badge renamed to Expert's Badge?
Black Ops 2 Marksman renamed to Black Ops 2 Marksman's Badge?
Black Ops 2 Sharpshooter renamed to Black Ops 2 Sharpshooter's Badge?
Black Ops 2 Expert renamed to Black Ops 2 Expert's Badge?
Ok now this is where it gets more into the clarifications:
Pistol Sharpshooter and Pistol Expert: both are listed as 25 kills 5 deaths is this correct or is sharpshooter to be less?
This is correct ... the Expert needs to be done a total of 20 times ... the Sharpshooter is only 5 times ...
Also for the Pistol Marksman/Sharpshooter/Expert... Under the Battlefield section and number 3. for each it specifies you must have either your marksman,sharpshooter or expert badges to try for it.. Does this apply to CoD as well? Because it is not specified under CoD's section.
For COD you have to do them in order once you become an official member ....
And are the pistol medals core or hardcore? I'm assuming hardcore since it says no team killing.
Everything can be done on core as well ...you just have to double the requirements unless there is a "specific" requirement posted
Under Sharpshooter Badge, CoD side, it states choice of weapon and loadout. Isn't it SMG, LMG, or AR only?
NO...they may use any weapon or loadout ...only the game specific like the Black Ops 2 Sharpshooter's Badge needs to be done with the M27 only ....
Under Grenadier, Grenadier Expert and Explosives Master its not stated whether you need Markman/Sharpshoter/Expert in order to go for them.. core or hardcore.. any specific game mode or any allowed? Kinda vague to me.
For the Grenadier, Grenadier Expert and Explosives Master you can start on those as soon as you become an official member .... same thing core requirements are doubled ...
Under Riotshield Expert.. To me this is the most vague medal description of all. I even made a thread at one point asking for clarifications... Is this badge strictly bashing people with shield? Equipment allowed like C$/throwing knife riot shielders? core or hardcore? Secondary weapons or overkill for a gun allowed?
No ....you can use anything with this one look at the description my Man:
To obtain the Riotshield Expert's medal you must get 25 kills and no more than 10 deaths in one game 25 times. Scorestreaks and weapons are allowed for this medal.
And yeah... that's about it

Not in a hurry to hear about the clarifications or anything right away.. Just figured I'd get all of this out of the way as I was going through making a spreadsheet.