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Thread: How To Aim Better In a FPS

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  1. #1
    Graysmog's Avatar
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    How To Aim Better In a FPS

    I'm honestly surprised a lot of my fellow gamers really just never got the hang of aiming down. While it's true many games have different aim mechanics, nearly all of them share similar features. For now, I'll just discuss some general aiming tactics that would be found in any FPS and will later delve into more specific games, but for now, enjoy!

    1.) ADS is Not Necessary

    A lot of games maintain the idea that "scoping in" increases accuracy considerably and is nearly always better than hipfire, but this isn't always the case. Take the Halo franchise, for example. There really isn't much of a difference in accuracy between the two views. Sure, accuracy increases slightly (depending on the weapon), but it's much better to get good at Hip Firing first and foremost. With the right amount of skill, players can snipe enemies from many yards away or rain a flurry of bullets down on a few unsuspecting enemies while not having to compensate for situational awareness or kickback. Oh yeah, and zooming in with a weapon while at close quarters is A BAD IDEA. Trust me, it REALLY is. Sometimes weapons work better while scoped in at closer ranges, but weapons like this are few and far between. Just, please...don't ADS with your Sniper Rifle when you're right behind an enemy, it just looks (and really is) ridiculous.

    2.) Aim at the Neck

    Despite what a LOT of FPS games say, aiming towards the head really isn't that easy, or even practical. When up close and personal with your enemies, it does help a lot, but from farther ranges enemies are hard to see and move quicker than your bullets half the time. Due to this, at range, the neck is probably the safest area to aim for. This is especially true with Assault Rifles or Shotguns, but not so much with Bows or Sniper Rifles (as those weapons have major bullet drop, forcing players to aim above the head instead). When aiming at the neck, make sure to compensate for distance and kickback.

    3.) Get the Right Sensitivity

    Finding out the best sensitivity for your playstyle on your controller/mouse makes aiming that much easier. Although it really depends on personal preference, incredibly high or incredibly sensitivities are not recommended unless you have extensive practice and are already used to your weapon. If you prefer to be a far range sideliner, I'd pick a lower sensitivity to help make some of those long shots. Higher sensitivities should really be employed when you decide you like to rush at enemies, but again, to each their own.

    4.) Learn your Weapons Hitscan, Bullet Drop and Bullet Spread

    Learning how your weapon works is one of the easiest ways to aim better. Try to remember how far your bullets usually go, and how much the bullets exiting from the chamber of your gun split askew from the reticule. "HitScan" is a perceived area of damage on a target, or where your bullet must hit to actually harm someone. Try to remember the limit of this area, and how close your bullets must be to harm your opponents.

    5.) Lead Your Shots

    Basically, "leading" your shots can allow you to kill or harm enemies from much greater distances. Try remembering how long it takes for your bullet to travel and the drag upon it while doing so, and you might just get that insanely awesome cross-map headshot.

    6.) Keep Yourself Steady

    When aiming with any weapon, it's really important that you don't shake or twitch too much. Try to avoid heavily caffeinated drinks or sugary foods, as this could affect your aim. Try to sit on a stable, flat surface and make sure to avoid finger cramps.

    I suppose that's about it for now guys, if you have any other tips for aiming better, make sure to leave them in the comment section.

    See you beautiful bastards on the Virtual Battlefield!;


    Last edited by CAG CheechDogg; January 26th, 2015 at 06:51 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Graysmog View Post

    3.) Get the Right Sensitivity

    Finding out the best sensitivity for your playstyle on your controller/mouse makes aiming that much easier. Although it really depends on personal preference, incredibly high or incredibly sensitivities are not recommended unless you have extensive practice and are already used to your weapon. If you prefer to be a far range sideliner, I'd pick a lower sensitivity to help make some of those long shots. Higher sensitivities should really be employed when you decide you like to rush at enemies, but again, to each their own.

    this is completely true but if youre able to control a higher sensitivity to be able to do slight movements for your long range shots and be able to switch up gameplay on the go to be a more versatile player and add up kills where it counts

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  5. #3
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    I have quite a bit of experience in FPS games, as many here could testify too, and all in all, this seems to be pretty good info. For me personally, I don't like breaking down how to aim because I have played so much that it has become almost a second nature to me, the movements of the other players, how accurately bullets register through the servers, and the slight adjustments I make to compensate for movement and range.

    I believe it's a lot easier to simply get out there, get familiar with the game, and get familiar with the gun your using, as well as how they both fit into the way you play the game. This to me is the most important thing to being successful in an fps as it means realizing what type of player you are and the things you have to do to be successful within the game.

    Also, I disagree with #6 completely. As an avid consumer of caffeinated drinks, as well as coffee, I actually support consuming these drinks because they help you FOCUS. The only problem I ever have with my hands is from sweating due to the standard glossy and matte material on the controller. Caffeine helps jump start your senses by putting you on high alert, temporarily making you more focused, which is generally why most people drink coffee in the mornings, as well as why many kids drink energy drinks.

    Great tips though, its nice to see another person taking time out of there day to help others have a better experience when playing games.

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  7. #4
    Graysmog's Avatar
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    Haha, I know how you feel. It's mainly just up to the time you've spent within a game with your weapon of choice. Giving fellow players pointers helps, but really, practice makes perfect.

    Also, I knew I should have added this sooner, but I didn't really specify what I meant by "caffeinated". It is true that slight to moderate amounts of sugar will keep you more focused, but if used too much, can just generally be bad. Specifically, I'm talking about eating a ton of sugary food or drinks right before playing a game or while playing it. I'm one of those people who really isn't affected by caffeine (I can literally take two cups of coffee and still feel tired), so while it doesn't happen to me, I do know that consuming too much of the stuff is just plain dangerous. I used to have a close friend who would have four Monster energy drinks nearly every day along with two cups of coffee and a crud ton of sugary snacks. He ended up going to the hospital after having a clog in his arteries that caused a heart attack. The guy's fine now, but I suppose that's really what I was trying to say.

    Also, I just wouldn't eat near your gaming device or while your using it. You'll get tons of gunk in and on the controller, and might spill a drink on the expensive piece of hardware.

    Anyways, sorry for rambling buddy, have a good day! Also, thanks for the encouraging words, I try to help my fellow newbie players because I never really received such kindness in previous clans. Typically, my requests for assistance eventually delved into hurtful comments or rude commentary from my "better's". I've been in quite a few clans throughout my life, and to be honest, they fall into four categories.

    1.) Lazy F-Bombers
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    3.) TROLOLOLers
    4.) Just Cool People

    I suppose you already know what CAG is labeled as, XD

    See you on the Virtual Battlefield ya filthy animals

    ~Gray Greytin Smog

    Last edited by CAG CheechDogg; January 26th, 2015 at 06:56 PM.

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  8. #5
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    Very true my friend, but unfortunately, most people either don't have the time for that sort of thing or lack the reaction time needed to perform such actions. I typically stay at a moderate sensitivity, as while I can play games on the highest sensitivity, I end up messing up when I'm backed into a corner or facing multiple enemies at once. I just happen to freak out a bit, and try going for headshots as quick as possible while missing every frekin' shot, causing me to panic even more and die because of it. Honestly, a lot of players have to deal with this, especially in games where headshots count, such as Halo , so such a strategy won't always work. Even so, its still fun to try from time to time.

    See You on the Virtual Battlefield kiddies;

    ~ Graysmogeis Gameus

    Last edited by CAG CheechDogg; January 26th, 2015 at 06:58 PM.

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  9. #6
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    I'm a troll who drops f bombs which can give the impression that I am a D-Bag...... Amazingly, most of the CAG Doggs I play with tolerate me and some think I'm kinda cool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Graysmog View Post
    Very true my friend, but unfortunately, most people either don't have the time for that sort of thing or lack the reaction time needed to perform such actions. I typically stay at a moderate sensitivity, as while I can play games on the highest sensitivity, I end up messing up when I'm backed into a corner or facing multiple enemies at once. I just happen to freak out a bit, and try going for headshots as quick as possible while missing every frekin' shot, causing me to panic even more and die because of it. Honestly, a lot of players have to deal with this, especially in games where headshots count, such as Halo , so such a strategy won't always work. Even so, its still fun to try from time to time.

    See You on the Virtual Battlefield kiddies;

    ~ Graysmogeis Gameus
    This is actually a pretty damn good explanation of my aiming ability. I have good days and bad, mostly bad, admittedly...

    I find in high sensitivity my aim is very off target, often manoeuvring my reticle over a target multiple times... On low and medium settings I have very poor reaction. Often leading to me not lining my target up quick enough

    For those of you who are still young. Do t abuse your body. Certain "activities" really does kill brain cells

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  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SprayAim View Post
    This is actually a pretty damn good explanation of my aiming ability. I have good days and bad, mostly bad, admittedly...

    I find in high sensitivity my aim is very off target, often manoeuvring my reticle over a target multiple times... On low and medium settings I have very poor reaction. Often leading to me not lining my target up quick enough

    For those of you who are still young. Do t abuse your body. Certain "activities" really does kill brain cells

    --Feel free to add me if you play AW on the X1--

    Haha, man, ya gotta hate stuff like that. I think I spend most of my first hour in videogames in the tutorial, trying to adapt to my sensitivity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Graysmog View Post

    Haha, man, ya gotta hate stuff like that. I think I spend most of my first hour in videogames in the tutorial, trying to adapt to my sensitivity.
    Lol ... you just can't stick with the simple white font can you?
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Haha, the restrictions of colorless text do not affect me, comrade.

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