This will be open to all Alpha Company members who have not earned their Expert babadge. Starting today the first person to earn their Expert badge in core gets a $20 Xbox gift card froscores Get to work out the company I want to see some scores.
Latest news and announcements will be posted here. If you have any questions, you can also ask them here.
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),Drakopuer (January 22nd, 2015),EXEprog527 (January 22nd, 2015),MERZiN8 (January 22nd, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),RE4PER (January 22nd, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),RE4PER (January 22nd, 2015)
breaksk81 (January 22nd, 2015),CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015)
wow this should be fun lol lets see who can handle the pressure
breaksk81 (January 22nd, 2015),CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),RE4PER (January 22nd, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),RE4PER (January 22nd, 2015)
well lets see then drakopuer and ginger and queen and all the alpha company lets go
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),RE4PER (January 22nd, 2015)
I have absolutely no faith in myself to get this. So good luck runnin these games guys. Lol
RE4PER (January 23rd, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (January 23rd, 2015),RE4PER (January 23rd, 2015)
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