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Thread: Always Wanted To Ask This..

Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here

  1. #1
    Mr_Fud3m3ntals's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Always Wanted To Ask This..

    First and foremost, I posted this in Battlefield because Battlefield is what I play, but I'm sure this can apply to all Brigades.

    There is something I always wanted to figure out with it comes to coming with a clan that has rank structure. Seeing this clan is modeled after the United States Army Combat Application Group.

    From what I know as a chain of command, is that it's purpose is to provide some constant flow of communication from its commander to its subordinates. In admin purposes and battlefield conditions( gaming for this community). So what I haven't seen here, unless I just wasn't paying attention and I could be wrong. But it that we get people in this positions, and the gaming stops. Im not one for promotions, unless they apply to gaming solutions. I.e. better tactics and communication.

    So what I am asking is do anyone, see there commanding officers and senior ncos actually playing with them or are the just the administration specialists(just forums count boosting but not actually playing games with members).

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  2. #2
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    Here at CAG I can tell you that the higher ups play with everyone even recruits. I my self have played with Cheech a couple of times. The first was the second day I was a recruit. Breaks I have gamed with as well as a few other high ranking members. CAG is not a typical clan.everyone here games and members are welcome in fact encouraged to game with everyone. I honestly have never gotten the feeling that higher ups are just admins and not gamers. Hope this answers your question.

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  3. #3
    Mr_Fud3m3ntals's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I just always wanted to ask that, no shade or bush intended.

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  4. #4
    CAG Stud
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    First of all, our Rank Structure is not modeled after the Army, it's all Marines here Baby ...

    Now with you being an officer, you have access to the officer's only forum, name me one officer that doesn't play with the rest of the members excluding the 4 star generals who are away serving their Country.

    Toxic plays when he can and hes not an "Administrator or boosts his posts count" .... Gypsy, Covie and Brotal are you next in line from the top and they are always online unless they are at work ...

    Next you have like I said the 4 star generals, 2 out of those 5 are serving our Country and none are Administrators ...

    Next you have our 2 Division Commanders, Randy and Layserman2 who both play with everyone ..

    Next you have the Brigade Commanders which only bluedevil8 doesn't play with the clan as much because he plays competitive search and destroy ...

    Then you have Sgt Bear and Parch who both also are always playing with recruits ....

    So I don't understand how you can even say that the officers in place right now are all about Administration work and post boosting.....

    I expect a very detailed explanation of your assumptions my Man ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. #5
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    The only game admittingly I don't play as often is Battlefield which I'm at fault for that but with dear hope to the Gaming Gods I wish that Hardline can be good one and we all can enjoy.

    I play with or have played with mostly everyone and even recruits.

    Yes various ranks require admin work (Managing the website, forums etc) but we or atleast I don't shy away from playing with recruits or anyone

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  7. #6
    Mr_Fud3m3ntals's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    It wasn't me personally, more of a group question. I see from time to time really recruits or members dropping and leaving because they felt no of their leadership didn't game with them. So I was mainly asking if we have had or have anyone that felt like this.

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  8. #7
    Lesbehonest's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Fud3m3ntals View Post
    It wasn't me personally, more of a group question. I see from time to time really recruits or members dropping and leaving because they felt no of their leadership didn't game with them. So I was mainly asking if we have had or have anyone that felt like this.

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    I doubt this..In my total years in CAG there is probably more leadership than I can't truly say from the Battlefield side but I would think the same...Some members might say that and leave because they don't get promoted, having issues(personal), etc. I highly doubt it's because of no

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  9. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Lesbehonest For This Fucking Post:

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  10. #8
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    We all currently enjoy battlefield 4 Randy you just gave up...

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  11. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

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  12. #9
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    If recruits are leaving because they feel this then they are barely online Covie is always on and always willing to help out recruits Cheech I have played with this month once. Only because he is not good enough for Destiny only AW and I hate AW. Wen I was a recruit I played with a lot of leadership who helped me out big time on Ghosts. There was PARCh Patron Randy Gypsy breaks. I'm not sure if I ever played with blue devil tho

    With precision and deadliness;
    CAG ShadowSnypr

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  13. #10
    CAG Stud
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG ShadowSnypr View Post
    If recruits are leaving because they feel this then they are barely online Covie is always on and always willing to help out recruits Cheech I have played with this month once. Only because he is not good enough for Destiny only AW and I hate AW. Wen I was a recruit I played with a lot of leadership who helped me out big time on Ghosts. There was PARCh Patron Randy Gypsy breaks. I'm not sure if I ever played with blue devil tho

    With precision and deadliness;
    CAG ShadowSnypr

    Correction fuck face ... You have only played with me once because I don't have time to get online and play lol ....This is why I was so hesitant to get an xbox 1 because I don't have time to get on ...

    And I have been playing AW because most of the clan is always on AW than on BF4 for what ever reason but I hate COD games and I rather play Battlefield ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  14. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG ShadowSnypr (January 19th, 2015),MERZiN8 (January 19th, 2015)

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