First and foremost, I posted this in Battlefield because Battlefield is what I play, but I'm sure this can apply to all Brigades.
There is something I always wanted to figure out with it comes to coming with a clan that has rank structure. Seeing this clan is modeled after the United States Army Combat Application Group.
From what I know as a chain of command, is that it's purpose is to provide some constant flow of communication from its commander to its subordinates. In admin purposes and battlefield conditions( gaming for this community). So what I haven't seen here, unless I just wasn't paying attention and I could be wrong. But it that we get people in this positions, and the gaming stops. Im not one for promotions, unless they apply to gaming solutions. I.e. better tactics and communication.
So what I am asking is do anyone, see there commanding officers and senior ncos actually playing with them or are the just the administration specialists(just forums count boosting but not actually playing games with members).
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