Posting a massive THANKS to CAG crew for this morning's (GMT) BF4 sessions.
I started playing BF4 on 2 Jan 15, so it’s ALL new to me. Some things I learned last night:
Strategic spawning; learning how to choose when and where.
How to fix a “Lost Spawn Point†error; left analog stick to select “spawnable†spot!
C4-Pimped Rides. Kit out quads/jeeps to take out vehicles and multiple baddies.
Team Comms…learning how to make calls. Balancing team loadouts, spawn points, offensive-/defensive-strategies, etc.
How to SPOT enemy soldiers/vehicles.
Serious, but laid back, FUN times! Similar to “live and learnâ€; last night’s motto (for me) was “LAUGH and LEARN!â€
Players I remember:
CAG Sgt Bear
CAG RainyDaiz
SOZ for forgetting all players’ names; no harm meant…old age. Pretty sure I was (our teams’) longest-on-the-planet member; arrived in 1960.