Last night I joined into my first ever involvement with clan wars, and I tell ya what fun that was!
But the real point of this thread to give a HUGE FUCKING HELL YEAH! to Re4per, Killfrost, and Qu33n.
When I logged on last night our squad of 5 consisted of only one other player I had ever played before to start... But fuck could you tell who trained us. Without skipping a beat were communicating in a way that we needed not question a word that was said. We were able to use each others info support and flank enemies, maintain objetives and obtain success, which continued into a winning streak with members jumping on and some leaving for the night, everyone put in 120% and before I went to bed at 330am left our clan leading the gold division.
What I am trying to say is how much a fucking privilege it has been to be included into this group of Fucked up as I am junkies for a good night of gaming.
Thanks for all your support and knowledge and I hope I can one day pass on what you have taught me to others as they are welcomed into this family!