So a strange thing happened yesterday. I started a raid to get higher ranking but lower level CAG members shards and gear to possibly be ready for the hard raid. We tried a few times but couldn't get the bridge beat because we needed one more person but right as we got another CAG member a "meeting" was called to deal with some infraction or other personal issue. In my mind this would be like leaving the battle field during a fire fight to go discuss a counseling statement that could obviously have waited another 30mins until we at least got to Crota and got people the shards they needed to get closer to level 32 for hard raid. (Not speaking for myself I am already level 32 so don't think I'm being selfish here).
In the short span that I have been here I have seen nothing accomplished with your medal system other than bickering and have not seen any direction from destiney leadership on preparing for hard raid. More time is spent playing politics and grab ass than working together to be the beat the new content because honestly how many of you can say you have beat Crota now that he has been fixed?
I'll wait to hear from leadership before leaving but I joined this alliance thinking that it was a raiding alliance that helped each other.