I'll admit there was a time a cared about my KD but now a win with a team is much more important to me.
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Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here
QU33N (January 15th, 2015)
1.35 I don't always play with a full CAG compliment though.
I totally agree w/ you duck and reaper. I couldn't have said it better
Everyone has a different personality, some of us can be extremely patient, some of us have amazing reflexes and ability to spot enemies in hiding and some of us may like to catch a quick nap while they anchor a spawn......... But I always feel that as long as we adhere to our ranking officers plan, and sometimes that plan was a collective decision amongst the squad. But regardless of what the plan is follow it. If were helping recruits and your told to sit still and protect, sit still and protect don't be a selfish ass and go flip the spawn. If both sides are camping and your officer recognizes you are able to scout successfully then when your told scout. Some game modes require we run and gun as a squad or split up flank objective positions to attain better scores and secure those objectives.
Personally I feel I can play both types but think nothing wrong of a player who is more comfortable of a particular style as long as she/he is a good team player as Re4per describe earlier. I thinreally comes down to your true character, can you put your greed aside for the better of the team. I can that's why I know I will have a successful time in this clan.
Nicely put. I have no idea who you might have fallen asleep as anchor.... ( Wink wink ) but it proves a very good point, If your doing your job and following a plan the your anchor will be protected. I bet that the enemies that day never even saw the anchor. and they kept running into gun fire no matter what they tried. Team work will always win.
OnixEwok (January 15th, 2015)
I just sit back and think about it sometimes. I hear a lot of people on the mic in lobbies that tell people not to camp and talk shit for them camping, but a guy raised a very good point one time when he said, "You pay $60 for my games, and then you can tel me how to play." I thought that was brilliant and had never really looked at it that way. So it pretty much just comes down to what your goals are, in-game that determine what kind of player you end up being on COD, or any other FPS, for that matter.
A good clan and especially good players adapt and can play on either spawn side ... CAG has proven that time and time again in the past with all COD games ... "I" have proven that to a lot of people and current members of CAG .... "Discipline" is a key factor if not the biggest factor when playing with a clan , in a clan and as a clan member ...
Even in objective games "I" have seen in the past that players only care about themselves and their personal scores and that is why playing Search n Destroy for me is no longer fun ... and the fact that it's only 3 min rounds makes it even worse because people are too worried about getting the first kill or having the most kills ....
I could care less if a player gets 25 kills, if he dies 17 times or 24 times what good does that do ? ... Players think that getting the most kills or getting tons of kills in a game makes them "beasts" ... the whole concept behind the weapon badges by CAG is to help everyone become more efficient when playing together as a team ... Just last night and yesterday morning we had a few recruits who we clearly explained what to do when playing and they did very good ... in about 5 games we had 2 different recruits get their requirements for their badges ...
Regardless of whether you run and gun or you camp, you still have to work as a team ... Patron and I have a very good "run n gun" coordinated gameplay ... we move together and are always calling everything out when we "run n gun" .... moving together and in pairs or "trips" is very important if you are "running n gunning" yet I don't see that from most of the players who like to run n gun ...
Even when we "camp" we allow 1-2 members to run around and we designate them as the "assaultmen" in the squad during games .... you earn that right by showing and proving to us that you can communicate and follow orders as recruits and new members ... it is a perk that you earn in CAG and one that not many are able to earn and or agree that they must earn ...
Players like Patron , BX, Randy, bluedevil and a few others have earned the right to run n gun even when we set up and hold off an area, why? , because they communicate to the rest of the clan what they see when they are moving around "run n gunning" ....
But so many players are so damn impatient and want to show off from the minute they become recruits and all they do is alienate themselves from the rest of the clan ...
Either way, camping or run n gunning, my point here with this thread is to make you guys understand that you all need to communicate during games ...you all have mics, headsets and you guys need to communicate during games at all times ..communication "IS" a requirement to be a part of this clan ...you don't have to be a camper or a run n gunner , but communication "IS" required and will be enforced ....
So if you are not communicating during games and doing your own thing whether you are camping or run n gunning expect to be called out on it by someone sooner than later ...
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