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what i attribute it too Cheech is tactfully working together with a good group of CAG members. i think i am winning because when playing with the clan we are tactful and do not flip the spawns, pushing them to us and not us to them. i consider myself to be a run and gunner but i also play a pretty good role as a team player (i think anyways)
CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2015),OnixEwok (January 15th, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2015),HEADHUNTER1030 (January 15th, 2015)
I'm a run n gun kind of playing I will press the enemy team hard to try and get there attention while my team flank or move into better spots where we have the upper hand more, my kd isn't amazing its a 1.38 but I play for the win even if on my own so my win loss is at a 1.45 overall
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I think I can speak for a lot of us, in which some of us might not have been used to playing within a clan setting, which leads us to only care about our own personal scores and K/D when we are in a lobby and are being grouped with a bunch of randoms. As opposed to the time in which we joined CAG, we started to learn that teamwork makes the whole team win and have better scores, it may not be your K/D that boosts, but your confidence within yourself, win %, and overall experience within the game.
I was one that voted that I can go either way, and I prefer tactful strategy, as opposed to Kamikaze COD play. It is now that I am involved with a legitimate clan, that I care less about K/D, and more about how the outside world views my clan tag, and knows that I'm here for business.
I like either style of game play, but within a clan, I like to be the guy that is doing his part and helping everyone, as opposed to only trying to make myself look good.
CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2015),pred8or08 (January 16th, 2015),QU33N (January 15th, 2015)
If it a kill based game type then I will do my hardest to help my team mates get the kills, for example 4 of us ran private matches earlier on to learn how to lock down a building together, i personally don't think kd means anything, it doesn't matter about having a high kd of your always losing, I would rather take a death and gain 10-20 seconds on a flag or a hard point or even if I take a death so my team mate can get a kill, playing as a team is the most important thing along with winning
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CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2015),DemikDaGawd (January 16th, 2015),OnixEwok (January 15th, 2015)
I dont care about my KD I do however care about my win loss. I think there is a place in COD for run and gun players and Tactical players. The fact of the matter is that prefer to play a game that has objectives. In an objective game you cant be tactical and wait for the enemy to come to you. They way I judge a good player from a bad is a bit complicated. Communication is huge. When you die say where you died and how many people you saw and what direction they are going. Then watch your kill came and help teamates while you wait to respawn. Next I look for the guy / gal that is on the objective in some way. The last thing i want is someone that will follow a plan even if its a bad plan its a plan. If you can do those things your W/L will go up. I dont care if you die 30 times if your calling out where they are your helping. Not every game is TDM clan wars plays all game types so you best be able to adapt to them.
Ginger Kid 138 (January 15th, 2015),OnixEwok (January 15th, 2015),pred8or08 (January 16th, 2015),Rednek (January 15th, 2015)
Amen to that reaper, I prefer objective over tdm all day long as it feel like you have accomplished something at the end, i love the people I have played with so far in the clan as they all talk yeah sometime they may not be the best callouts and I don't give the best callouts but I try to give them because knowing a little I find still gives you time to prepare for what come a head
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Totally agree reaper. Communication is key especially with clan wars coming up soon. What's more important is win/loss and the overall success of the team. Who cares if you are getting a 2 kdr if everytime you play with the group you are losing. Communication and working together is what we need to focus on especially with this big weekend coming up!
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CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2015),Ginger Kid 138 (January 15th, 2015),OnixEwok (January 15th, 2015)
A lot of people care about K/D. You can't tell me there was no time in your COD careers that it was never an important thing lol.
Communication is definitely a top priority. I hate being in lobbies with people that have mic's, but they choose not to use them. I don't, and never will understand that. But, what I do enjoy is, when a plan goes right, and you see your efforts pay off with a 'W.'
CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2015)
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