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Thread: CAG Integrity of Play In AW

Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here

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  1. #1
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    CAG Integrity of Play In AW

    Is not a hidden fact that when game developers are under deadlines to produce games or have insufficient time to internally beta their product you end up with holes in coding..... Glitches and exploits. Often players with no morals often stoop this cockroach level of cheating. And it is frustrating beyond all end for those who are playing with integrity and class within the intended rules sets and boundaries the game designers intended for us to play.

    Before I continue to the point of this thread I must make clear at no point am I accusing any CAG members of this atrocious form of behavior.

    It strictly this:

    By agreeing to be a member of this clan we have agreed to play integrity and honesty. This type of behavior is detrimental to our clans forefathers achievements of creating a clan that is known for years as the best clan to be a member of. That being said if you suspect any CAG member or recruit to be exploiting any glitch or cheat, please bring the situation to your commanding officer following the CoC. These matters will be dealt with accordingly.

    Secondly as a fellow member and my self experienced recently,if you encounter any non member whether it be on your team or not exploiting and cheating, please remember the following:

    At CAG we do not quit a match for any reason.

    While in game:

    If the non CAG player is on the opposing team and the glitch was noticed via kill cam, take note of the name and immediately notify your squad so a plan may be formulated to converge and thwart that players cheating if possible. COMPLETE THE MATCH!

    If the non CAG player is on your own team, as sometimes we don't always have a full squad to play. Take note of the name of the player, COMPLETE THE MATCH!

    Once match is completed, only then. The leader backs the squad back to the lobby. Then all players whom wish to, at that time press Y to go to your friends list. RB to got to recent players. Scroll to the offending players name and report them for exploiting and cheating(will take 2 reports).

    This way here both Microsoft and Sledgehammer/Activision are aware of the occurrence.

    Let's remember when we are online we are the face of CAG and we will represent it respectfully and professionally.

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
    Experience: 8,048,595
    Next Level: 8,476,240

  2. The Following 13 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to OnixEwok For This Fucking Post:

    ArCh Vortex (July 17th, 2015),BlameItOnGod13 (January 14th, 2015),breaksk81 (January 14th, 2015),CAG CheechDogg (January 14th, 2015),CAG Cookie (July 17th, 2015),CAG ToxicBob (January 14th, 2015),Carnage (January 14th, 2015),DemikDaGawd (January 14th, 2015),EXEprog527 (January 14th, 2015),Prod1gy (July 17th, 2015),RE4PER (January 14th, 2015),Rednek (July 19th, 2015),SprayAim (January 15th, 2015)

  3. The Following User Says Hell Fucking No ! to OnixEwok For This Fucking Post:

    SprayAim (July 17th, 2015)

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