Sooo, what does everyone think of advanced warfare so far??
Me its a little too halo but its the onlything out right now because i cant count on
ghosts for the horrible in game lags,Dont get me wrong i can still throw down in it
but it was never made to work properly on xbox one to begin with they just threw it on
a x1 disc and thought it would be ok.
I love some of the new and original features of AW such as invisibility,assault rifles,smgs and perk oprions remind me of black ops 1 and 2.the menu was kept simple easy to access everything including clan options. but there is also some things that like i said makes it too
halo for the dedicated combat player. 1. exo jump ability 2. exo shield 3.exo boosts.
Oh yeah lmao the snipers are absolutely horrible you can get a direct chest or head shot and have hit markers,
plus it doesnt help the fact that they are too awkward when handling.
Zombies: Now this is where it gets interesting in the AW world of gaming because not only did they do pretty good on the looks of the new zombie but the movement is twice as fast as trey archs zombies with less reaction time. This helps alot to experienced zombie gamers alike, we no longer have to wait what seems like forever to let a lost rotted piece of flesh get to us to finish a round that might have taken an hour to complete. Unlike in Black ops 1 and 2 you actually have a grace period to do what you intend before the zombies start creepin at you. Well this is the end of my rant to i say good day too sir!4
PS. Expect something besides the zombies on the pics that trey arch releases because exo zombies arent the worst to come ;p
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