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Thread: Class Loadouts For AW?

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  1. #51
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    i have used the ak12 stock with silener and force grip, exo cloack with combat knife. and sticky gernades. with hardwire and overclock. uva

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  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG QU33N View Post
    The only ak12 ive had any issue with is the r.i.p since it only holds 22. I use the finger trap and the stock ak all the time and it does the job. Thats a good idea for the exo abilities. I normally just have overclock but u have a point. U could do a lot more damage if they dont know you are there. Gonna have to run it later
    Well, that's just my personal preference. I know at times my hit detection is god awful, so it could simply be a home network thing. While at the same time, I typically try and go for the big kill feeds and in S&D it's not all that uncommon to find folks stacking up on top of one another.

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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Killfrost View Post
    Thanks never thought of running that in a class that way i will have to give it a shot and see what happens..
    Not a problem bud. Let me know how it works out for you.

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  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnixEwok View Post
    The only reason I was trying to builds pistol class is to try for my pistol marksman... I usually run the ak12 ever since qu33n recommended it.
    Ah I see, not trying to knock it by any means. I just know I and many others absolutely think the Pistol as a secondary is garbage. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see these get a boost like the SMG's did.

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  5. #55
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode View Post
    Well, that's just my personal preference. I know at times my hit detection is god awful, so it could simply be a home network thing. While at the same time, I typically try and go for the big kill feeds and in S&D it's not all that uncommon to find folks stacking up on top of one another.
    This is true. I have had multiple games where i walk around a corner and the whole enemy team is sitting around the wall singing camp fire songs together. I will admit i had issues with the ammo count at first as well but ive learned damn near exactly how many bullets i need to fire with that gun to kill without over shooting and wasting whats left so now that i got that down im good with it. I also spend a lot of time in the firing range with it.

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  6. #56
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG QU33N View Post
    This is true. I have had multiple games where i walk around a corner and the whole enemy team is sitting around the wall singing camp fire songs together. I will admit i had issues with the ammo count at first as well but ive learned damn near exactly how many bullets i need to fire with that gun to kill without over shooting and wasting whats left so now that i got that down im good with it. I also spend a lot of time in the firing range with it.
    Then all the power to you! The AK12 is deadly accurate and I like the feel of it but I'm more of a HBR/Bal guy when going the AR route. Seems like you took the appropriate measures to make the AK12 best fit you as a player, which is something I'm by far too lazy to even want to do lol. Props though!

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  7. #57
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    I moved my input lag post to a new thread ....
    Last edited by CAG CheechDogg; January 13th, 2015 at 12:53 PM.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Beastmode (January 13th, 2015)

  9. #58
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Don't forget that gaming on tvs that are bigger than 32 inches also affects input lag between your console and the tv ... I have a 60 inch and you can definitely tell the difference's very small but it does make a difference...i found an article that shows the input lag times for almost every single tv out there, check it out below:

    Brand Model Number Size Display Type Input Lag (Camera) Lag (Leo Bodnar) Price
    Sony KDL55W955B 55" LED LCD 6 ms 17 ms £999.00
    Sony KDL42W705B 42" LED LCD 6 ms 14 ms £429.00
    Sony KDL42W653 42" LED LCD 6 ms 15 ms £550
    Sony KDL-47W805A 47" LED LCD 6 ms 17 ms £2100
    Toshiba 47L7453 47" LED LCD 7 ms N/A £699.95
    Sony KDL42W829 42" LED LCD 8 ms N/A £499.00
    Sony KDL50W829 50" LED LCD 8 ms 22 ms £699.00
    Sony KDL46W905 46" LED LCD 8 ms 20 ms £1500
    Sony KDL55W905A 55" LED LCD 8 ms 20 ms £1650
    Samsung LE32C530 32" CCFL LCD 14 ms N/A £500
    Samsung PN64H5000 64" Plasma 16 ms 38 ms £850
    Samsung UE32F5000 32" LED LCD 16 ms 28 ms £300
    Samsung UE42F5500 42" LED LCD 16 ms 28 ms £450
    Samsung PS51E490 51" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-P42UT50B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Samsung PS60E6500 60" Plasma 16 ms N/A £1500
    Panasonic TX-P50ST50B 50" Plasma 16 ms N/A £1300
    Samsung UE40ES5500 40" LED LCD 16 ms N/A £750
    Panasonic TX-P42ST50B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-P42S30B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Samsung UE32D5000 32" LED LCD 16 ms N/A £600
    Samsung PS51D6900 51" Plasma 16 ms N/A £900
    Samsung PS51D550 51" Plasma 16 ms N/A £550
    Toshiba 47VL863B 47" LED LCD 16 ms N/A £899
    Panasonic TX-P42ST30B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-P42C3B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £300
    LG 32LD450 32" CCFL LCD 16 ms N/A £350
    Samsung LE32C450 32" CCFL LCD 16 ms N/A £300
    Panasonic TX-P50S20B 50" Plasma 16 ms N/A £850
    Panasonic TX-P50VT20 50" Plasma 17 ms N/A £1800
    Samsung PS50C6900 50" Plasma 18 ms N/A £900
    Toshiba 39L4353DB 39" 20 ms 28 ms £300
    Samsung UE32EH5000 32" LED LCD 20 ms N/A £250
    Panasonic TX-P42VT30B 42" Plasma 20 ms N/A £1000
    Panasonic TX-P42G20 42" Plasma 21 ms N/A £700
    Sony KDL40EX723 40" LED LCD 22 ms N/A £950
    Sharp LC46LE821E 46" LED LCD 22 ms N/A £850
    Panasonic TX-P42V20B 42" Plasma 22 ms N/A £1000
    Panasonic TX-P50VT65B 50" Plasma 23 ms 41 ms £1700
    Panasonic TX-P65VT65B 65" Plasma 23 ms 42 ms £2650
    Panasonic TX-P60ZT65B 60" Plasma 23 ms 42 ms £2900
    Panasonic TX-P55VT65B 55" Plasma 23 ms 41 ms £2400
    Panasonic TX-P50GT60B 50" Plasma 23 ms 43 ms £1500
    Panasonic TX-P65VT30B 65" Plasma 23 ms N/A £2500
    Panasonic TX-P42GT60B 42" Plasma 24 ms 42 ms £1200
    Panasonic TX-P42GT50B 42" Plasma 24 ms N/A £1000
    Panasonic TX-P50VT50B 50" Plasma 24 ms N/A £1500
    Panasonic TX-L42ET50B 42" LED LCD 24 ms N/A £1050
    Panasonic TX-P50VT30B 50" Plasma 24 ms N/A £1100
    Panasonic TX-P42G30B 42" Plasma 24 ms N/A £700
    Panasonic TX-P42GT30B 42" Plasma 24 ms N/A £19.99
    Panasonic TX-P50GT50B 50" Plasma 26 ms N/A £1500
    Toshiba 46WL768 46" LED LCD 26 ms N/A £1200
    Panasonic TX-P55VT50B 55" Plasma 28 ms N/A £2000
    Sony KDL-55HX853 55" LED LCD 28 ms N/A £1750
    Panasonic TX-P65VT50B 65" Plasma 29 ms N/A £3050
    Panasonic TX-50AX802B 50" LED LCD 30 ms 37 ms £1299.00
    Sony KDL40HX853 40" LED LCD 30 ms N/A £1100
    Sony KDL-40HX753 40" LED LCD 30 ms N/A £1200
    Panasonic TX-P42GT20 42" Plasma 30 ms N/A £600
    Sharp LC46LE700E 46" LED LCD 30 ms N/A
    Samsung LE40A786 40" LED LCD 30 ms N/A
    Samsung LE52F96BDX 52" LED LCD 30 ms N/A
    LG 55EC930V 55" OLED 31 ms 39 ms £2499.00
    Samsung UE55HU6900 55" LED LCD 31 ms 40 ms £949.00
    Sony KDL40R473 40" LED LCD 31 ms 42 ms £400
    Panasonic TX-L55WT65B 55" LED LCD 31 ms 38 ms £2300
    Samsung UE40ES6300 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £800
    Samsung PS64E8000 64" Plasma 31 ms N/A £4000
    LG 42LM660T 42" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £600
    Samsung PS51E8000 51" Plasma 31 ms N/A £900
    Samsung UE40ES7000 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £850
    LG 42LM620T 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £550
    Samsung UE55ES8000 55" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £2600
    Sony KDL-55HX823 55" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £1500
    Samsung PS64D8000 64" Plasma 31 ms N/A £2150
    Sharp LC40LE831E 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £300
    Toshiba 46WL863B 46" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £650
    Sony KDL-40HX723 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £900
    Sony KDL-46HX923 46" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £1100
    Panasonic TX-L37DT30B 37" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £850
    Samsung PS51D8000 51" Plasma 31 ms N/A £1550
    Sony KDL32EX713 32" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £500
    Sony KDL40HX803 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £900
    Toshiba 32SL753B 32" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £300
    Sony KDL40EX703 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A
    Toshiba 46SV685D 46" LED LCD 31 ms N/A
    Samsung UE65HU8500 65" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £3199.00
    Samsung UE48HU7500 48" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £1199.00
    Samsung UE46H7000 46" LED LCD 32 ms 39 ms £1200
    Samsung UE55HU8200 55" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £1799.00
    Sony KD-55X9005B 55" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £2700
    Samsung UE55H8000 55" LED LCD 32 ms 34 ms £2200
    Sony KDL46HX853 46" LED LCD 32 ms N/A £1200
    Samsung UE40D5520 40" LED LCD 32 ms N/A £11.99
    Samsung UE46C8000 46" LED LCD 32 ms N/A £1500
    Panasonic TX-L42DT65B 42" LED LCD 33 ms 36 ms £1150
    Samsung UE46ES6800 46" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £1100
    Sony KDL-40NX723 40" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £750
    Samsung UE46D7000 46" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £1400

    Brand Model Number Size Display Type Input Lag (Camera) Lag (Leo Bodnar) Price
    Samsung UE55D8000 55" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £2000
    Panasonic TX-L42E6B 42" LED LCD 34 ms N/A £500
    Panasonic TX-L47ET60B 47" LED LCD 34 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-L37S20 37" CCFL LCD 34 ms N/A £450
    Toshiba 32RL953B 32" LED LCD 35 ms N/A £350
    Toshiba 40RV753 40" CCFL LCD 35 ms N/A £550
    Panasonic TX-L37V20B 37" LED LCD 35 ms N/A £850
    Samsung LE40C580 40" CCFL LCD 35 ms N/A £500
    Panasonic TX-L42D25 42" LED LCD 35 ms N/A £900
    Samsung UE40B8000 40" LED LCD 35 ms N/A
    Samsung UE48H6400 48" LED LCD 37 ms N/A £529.00
    Samsung UE40B7020 40" LED LCD 37 ms N/A
    Samsung UE40H6400 40" LED LCD 38 ms 43 ms £399.00
    Samsung PS64F8500 64" Plasma 38 ms 64 ms £2500
    LG 42LE5900 42" LED LCD 38 ms N/A £500
    Samsung UE40F6400 40" LED LCD 40 ms 43 ms £1650
    Philips 46PFL8007T 46" LED LCD 40 ms N/A £1500
    Sony KDL32EX403 32" CCFL LCD 40 ms N/A £400
    Panasonic TX-P46VT20B 46" Plasma 41 ms N/A £16850
    Samsung LE40C750 40" CCFL LCD 41 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-L42E5B 42" LED LCD 42 ms N/A £500
    Samsung UE55F8000 55" LED LCD 44 ms 44 ms £2100
    Samsung UE46F8000 46" LED LCD 45 ms 43 ms £1650
    Philips 46PFL9707 46" LED LCD 45 ms 52 ms £2300
    Samsung LE40C650 40" CCFL LCD 45 ms N/A £800
    Samsung LE55A956 55" LED LCD 45 ms N/A
    Philips 55PFL8008 55" LED LCD 46 ms 50 ms £1600
    Samsung UE46F7000 46" LED LCD 46 ms 44 ms £1250
    Samsung UE40D6530 40" LED LCD 46 ms N/A £1200
    Panasonic TX-P42ST60 42" Plasma 47 ms 75 ms £1000
    Sony KDL32CX523 32" CCFL LCD 47 ms N/A £450
    Samsung UE46C9000 46" LED LCD 47 ms N/A £3150
    Panasonic TX-P42VT20B 42" Plasma 47 ms N/A £1000
    LG 50PK590 50" Plasma 51 ms N/A £700
    LG 42SL9000 42" LED LCD 53 ms N/A
    Sony KDL40EX503 40" CCFL LCD 60 ms N/A £700
    LG 47LM960V 47" LED LCD 67 ms N/A £950
    LG 47LW550T 47" LED LCD 68 ms N/A £550
    Samsung UE32C6000 32" LED LCD 70 ms N/A £650
    Panasonic TX-55AX902B 55" LED LCD N/A 87 ms £3199.00
    Panasonic TX-40AX630B 40" LED LCD N/A 63 ms £699.00
    LG 55EC9300 55" OLED N/A 46 ms £3500
    Panasonic TX42AS650B 42" LED LCD N/A 59 ms £500
    Sony XBR-65X950B 65" LED LCD N/A 44 ms £8000
    Panasonic TX-40AS640 40" LED LCD N/A 59 ms £399.00
    LG 49UB850V 49" LED LCD N/A 66 ms £899.00
    Samsung UE55HU7500 55" LED LCD N/A 69 ms £2300
    Sony KDL40W605 40" LED LCD N/A 29 ms £399.00
    Samsung UE55HU8500 55" LED LCD N/A 73 ms £1999.00
    Panasonic TX-L65WT600 65" LED LCD N/A 36 ms £5500
    Sony KD55X9005 55" LED LCD N/A 43 ms £1999.00
    LG 55EA980W 55" OLED N/A 55 ms £8000
    Sony KDL32W653 32" LED LCD N/A 33 ms £350
    Samsung KE55S9C 55" OLED N/A 65 ms £7000
    Samsung UE65F9000 65" LED LCD N/A 69 ms £4100
    LG 42LA620V 42" LED LCD N/A 43 ms £550
    Samsung UE32F6400 32" LED LCD N/A 43 ms £550
    Panasonic TX-L32E6B 32" LED LCD N/A 26 ms £450
    No doubt Cheech. This was a major issue for me when AW released as I was playing on a 55" Dynex hooked up to wireless. I felt the Hit Detection in this game was laughable it pissed me off that much.

    While I still at times run into hit detection problems (Mostly due to my Home Network setup of ATT U-Verse) it's much better then what it was by simply swapping my X1 over to my 32" Monitor and direct connecting it.

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  10. #59
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode View Post
    Then all the power to you! The AK12 is deadly accurate and I like the feel of it but I'm more of a HBR/Bal guy when going the AR route. Seems like you took the appropriate measures to make the AK12 best fit you as a player, which is something I'm by far too lazy to even want to do lol. Props though!
    Lol. Man i run around picking up every weapon in the game i see. I make it a goal to become good with all of them just in case i ever run out of ammo im not picking up a weapon that i cant use. I def challenge myself all the time with this stuff. Lol

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  11. #60
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Don't forget that gaming on tvs that are bigger than 32 inches also affects input lag between your console and the tv ... I have a 60 inch and you can definitely tell the difference's very small but it does make a difference...i found an article that shows the input lag times for almost every single tv out there, check it out below:

    Brand Model Number Size Display Type Input Lag (Camera) Lag (Leo Bodnar) Price
    Sony KDL55W955B 55" LED LCD 6 ms 17 ms £999.00
    Sony KDL42W705B 42" LED LCD 6 ms 14 ms £429.00
    Sony KDL42W653 42" LED LCD 6 ms 15 ms £550
    Sony KDL-47W805A 47" LED LCD 6 ms 17 ms £2100
    Toshiba 47L7453 47" LED LCD 7 ms N/A £699.95
    Sony KDL42W829 42" LED LCD 8 ms N/A £499.00
    Sony KDL50W829 50" LED LCD 8 ms 22 ms £699.00
    Sony KDL46W905 46" LED LCD 8 ms 20 ms £1500
    Sony KDL55W905A 55" LED LCD 8 ms 20 ms £1650
    Samsung LE32C530 32" CCFL LCD 14 ms N/A £500
    Samsung PN64H5000 64" Plasma 16 ms 38 ms £850
    Samsung UE32F5000 32" LED LCD 16 ms 28 ms £300
    Samsung UE42F5500 42" LED LCD 16 ms 28 ms £450
    Samsung PS51E490 51" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-P42UT50B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Samsung PS60E6500 60" Plasma 16 ms N/A £1500
    Panasonic TX-P50ST50B 50" Plasma 16 ms N/A £1300
    Samsung UE40ES5500 40" LED LCD 16 ms N/A £750
    Panasonic TX-P42ST50B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-P42S30B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Samsung UE32D5000 32" LED LCD 16 ms N/A £600
    Samsung PS51D6900 51" Plasma 16 ms N/A £900
    Samsung PS51D550 51" Plasma 16 ms N/A £550
    Toshiba 47VL863B 47" LED LCD 16 ms N/A £899
    Panasonic TX-P42ST30B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-P42C3B 42" Plasma 16 ms N/A £300
    LG 32LD450 32" CCFL LCD 16 ms N/A £350
    Samsung LE32C450 32" CCFL LCD 16 ms N/A £300
    Panasonic TX-P50S20B 50" Plasma 16 ms N/A £850
    Panasonic TX-P50VT20 50" Plasma 17 ms N/A £1800
    Samsung PS50C6900 50" Plasma 18 ms N/A £900
    Toshiba 39L4353DB 39" 20 ms 28 ms £300
    Samsung UE32EH5000 32" LED LCD 20 ms N/A £250
    Panasonic TX-P42VT30B 42" Plasma 20 ms N/A £1000
    Panasonic TX-P42G20 42" Plasma 21 ms N/A £700
    Sony KDL40EX723 40" LED LCD 22 ms N/A £950
    Sharp LC46LE821E 46" LED LCD 22 ms N/A £850
    Panasonic TX-P42V20B 42" Plasma 22 ms N/A £1000
    Panasonic TX-P50VT65B 50" Plasma 23 ms 41 ms £1700
    Panasonic TX-P65VT65B 65" Plasma 23 ms 42 ms £2650
    Panasonic TX-P60ZT65B 60" Plasma 23 ms 42 ms £2900
    Panasonic TX-P55VT65B 55" Plasma 23 ms 41 ms £2400
    Panasonic TX-P50GT60B 50" Plasma 23 ms 43 ms £1500
    Panasonic TX-P65VT30B 65" Plasma 23 ms N/A £2500
    Panasonic TX-P42GT60B 42" Plasma 24 ms 42 ms £1200
    Panasonic TX-P42GT50B 42" Plasma 24 ms N/A £1000
    Panasonic TX-P50VT50B 50" Plasma 24 ms N/A £1500
    Panasonic TX-L42ET50B 42" LED LCD 24 ms N/A £1050
    Panasonic TX-P50VT30B 50" Plasma 24 ms N/A £1100
    Panasonic TX-P42G30B 42" Plasma 24 ms N/A £700
    Panasonic TX-P42GT30B 42" Plasma 24 ms N/A £19.99
    Panasonic TX-P50GT50B 50" Plasma 26 ms N/A £1500
    Toshiba 46WL768 46" LED LCD 26 ms N/A £1200
    Panasonic TX-P55VT50B 55" Plasma 28 ms N/A £2000
    Sony KDL-55HX853 55" LED LCD 28 ms N/A £1750
    Panasonic TX-P65VT50B 65" Plasma 29 ms N/A £3050
    Panasonic TX-50AX802B 50" LED LCD 30 ms 37 ms £1299.00
    Sony KDL40HX853 40" LED LCD 30 ms N/A £1100
    Sony KDL-40HX753 40" LED LCD 30 ms N/A £1200
    Panasonic TX-P42GT20 42" Plasma 30 ms N/A £600
    Sharp LC46LE700E 46" LED LCD 30 ms N/A
    Samsung LE40A786 40" LED LCD 30 ms N/A
    Samsung LE52F96BDX 52" LED LCD 30 ms N/A
    LG 55EC930V 55" OLED 31 ms 39 ms £2499.00
    Samsung UE55HU6900 55" LED LCD 31 ms 40 ms £949.00
    Sony KDL40R473 40" LED LCD 31 ms 42 ms £400
    Panasonic TX-L55WT65B 55" LED LCD 31 ms 38 ms £2300
    Samsung UE40ES6300 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £800
    Samsung PS64E8000 64" Plasma 31 ms N/A £4000
    LG 42LM660T 42" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £600
    Samsung PS51E8000 51" Plasma 31 ms N/A £900
    Samsung UE40ES7000 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £850
    LG 42LM620T 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £550
    Samsung UE55ES8000 55" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £2600
    Sony KDL-55HX823 55" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £1500
    Samsung PS64D8000 64" Plasma 31 ms N/A £2150
    Sharp LC40LE831E 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £300
    Toshiba 46WL863B 46" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £650
    Sony KDL-40HX723 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £900
    Sony KDL-46HX923 46" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £1100
    Panasonic TX-L37DT30B 37" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £850
    Samsung PS51D8000 51" Plasma 31 ms N/A £1550
    Sony KDL32EX713 32" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £500
    Sony KDL40HX803 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £900
    Toshiba 32SL753B 32" LED LCD 31 ms N/A £300
    Sony KDL40EX703 40" LED LCD 31 ms N/A
    Toshiba 46SV685D 46" LED LCD 31 ms N/A
    Samsung UE65HU8500 65" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £3199.00
    Samsung UE48HU7500 48" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £1199.00
    Samsung UE46H7000 46" LED LCD 32 ms 39 ms £1200
    Samsung UE55HU8200 55" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £1799.00
    Sony KD-55X9005B 55" LED LCD 32 ms 41 ms £2700
    Samsung UE55H8000 55" LED LCD 32 ms 34 ms £2200
    Sony KDL46HX853 46" LED LCD 32 ms N/A £1200
    Samsung UE40D5520 40" LED LCD 32 ms N/A £11.99
    Samsung UE46C8000 46" LED LCD 32 ms N/A £1500
    Panasonic TX-L42DT65B 42" LED LCD 33 ms 36 ms £1150
    Samsung UE46ES6800 46" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £1100
    Sony KDL-40NX723 40" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £750
    Samsung UE46D7000 46" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £1400

    Brand Model Number Size Display Type Input Lag (Camera) Lag (Leo Bodnar) Price
    Samsung UE55D8000 55" LED LCD 33 ms N/A £2000
    Panasonic TX-L42E6B 42" LED LCD 34 ms N/A £500
    Panasonic TX-L47ET60B 47" LED LCD 34 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-L37S20 37" CCFL LCD 34 ms N/A £450
    Toshiba 32RL953B 32" LED LCD 35 ms N/A £350
    Toshiba 40RV753 40" CCFL LCD 35 ms N/A £550
    Panasonic TX-L37V20B 37" LED LCD 35 ms N/A £850
    Samsung LE40C580 40" CCFL LCD 35 ms N/A £500
    Panasonic TX-L42D25 42" LED LCD 35 ms N/A £900
    Samsung UE40B8000 40" LED LCD 35 ms N/A
    Samsung UE48H6400 48" LED LCD 37 ms N/A £529.00
    Samsung UE40B7020 40" LED LCD 37 ms N/A
    Samsung UE40H6400 40" LED LCD 38 ms 43 ms £399.00
    Samsung PS64F8500 64" Plasma 38 ms 64 ms £2500
    LG 42LE5900 42" LED LCD 38 ms N/A £500
    Samsung UE40F6400 40" LED LCD 40 ms 43 ms £1650
    Philips 46PFL8007T 46" LED LCD 40 ms N/A £1500
    Sony KDL32EX403 32" CCFL LCD 40 ms N/A £400
    Panasonic TX-P46VT20B 46" Plasma 41 ms N/A £16850
    Samsung LE40C750 40" CCFL LCD 41 ms N/A £800
    Panasonic TX-L42E5B 42" LED LCD 42 ms N/A £500
    Samsung UE55F8000 55" LED LCD 44 ms 44 ms £2100
    Samsung UE46F8000 46" LED LCD 45 ms 43 ms £1650
    Philips 46PFL9707 46" LED LCD 45 ms 52 ms £2300
    Samsung LE40C650 40" CCFL LCD 45 ms N/A £800
    Samsung LE55A956 55" LED LCD 45 ms N/A
    Philips 55PFL8008 55" LED LCD 46 ms 50 ms £1600
    Samsung UE46F7000 46" LED LCD 46 ms 44 ms £1250
    Samsung UE40D6530 40" LED LCD 46 ms N/A £1200
    Panasonic TX-P42ST60 42" Plasma 47 ms 75 ms £1000
    Sony KDL32CX523 32" CCFL LCD 47 ms N/A £450
    Samsung UE46C9000 46" LED LCD 47 ms N/A £3150
    Panasonic TX-P42VT20B 42" Plasma 47 ms N/A £1000
    LG 50PK590 50" Plasma 51 ms N/A £700
    LG 42SL9000 42" LED LCD 53 ms N/A
    Sony KDL40EX503 40" CCFL LCD 60 ms N/A £700
    LG 47LM960V 47" LED LCD 67 ms N/A £950
    LG 47LW550T 47" LED LCD 68 ms N/A £550
    Samsung UE32C6000 32" LED LCD 70 ms N/A £650
    Panasonic TX-55AX902B 55" LED LCD N/A 87 ms £3199.00
    Panasonic TX-40AX630B 40" LED LCD N/A 63 ms £699.00
    LG 55EC9300 55" OLED N/A 46 ms £3500
    Panasonic TX42AS650B 42" LED LCD N/A 59 ms £500
    Sony XBR-65X950B 65" LED LCD N/A 44 ms £8000
    Panasonic TX-40AS640 40" LED LCD N/A 59 ms £399.00
    LG 49UB850V 49" LED LCD N/A 66 ms £899.00
    Samsung UE55HU7500 55" LED LCD N/A 69 ms £2300
    Sony KDL40W605 40" LED LCD N/A 29 ms £399.00
    Samsung UE55HU8500 55" LED LCD N/A 73 ms £1999.00
    Panasonic TX-L65WT600 65" LED LCD N/A 36 ms £5500
    Sony KD55X9005 55" LED LCD N/A 43 ms £1999.00
    LG 55EA980W 55" OLED N/A 55 ms £8000
    Sony KDL32W653 32" LED LCD N/A 33 ms £350
    Samsung KE55S9C 55" OLED N/A 65 ms £7000
    Samsung UE65F9000 65" LED LCD N/A 69 ms £4100
    LG 42LA620V 42" LED LCD N/A 43 ms £550
    Samsung UE32F6400 32" LED LCD N/A 43 ms £550
    Panasonic TX-L32E6B 32" LED LCD N/A 26 ms £450
    I just switched from a 22 to a 40 and i completely regret it. You can def tell a difference when u go from a 22 up to a larger size. I had to change my sensitivity at least 10 times before i could even manage to kill anyone as well.

    CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
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