Even made a class just to help you, using uav with threat detection, enemy direction and support, also system hack with flash and disable equip, then using tracking drones we will get you through this
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Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
Even made a class just to help you, using uav with threat detection, enemy direction and support, also system hack with flash and disable equip, then using tracking drones we will get you through this
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The imr is amazing after you get over the whole burst fire thing. I hated burst fire weapons and i actually hated that one for a while. Now its my fav weapon in the game lol
15/8 recovery hardcore tdm 14/01/15 rocky110901
Good shit huxley. We will run a few more tomorrow and get the whatever u have left taken care of
00.00 gmt