Uk m0stwant3d has just joined CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums!
Lets all welcome them to the site.
Thanks Uk m0stwant3d, from the staff at CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums
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Uk m0stwant3d has just joined CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums!
Lets all welcome them to the site.
Thanks Uk m0stwant3d, from the staff at CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums
Welcome to the forums man feel free to have a look around and familiarize yourself with things
Welcome to the CAG forums! Take a look around the forms and maybe even introduce yourself. If you play advanced warfare or any of the other CODs on the 360 hit me up and we'll play together. If you need any help or have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay!
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I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Sorry if I'm being a bit stupid but what do I do now who do I add and have I been accepted if so when will I get a clan invite I'm not very good with forums I also have friends that I recruited for my old clan USvU who would like to join but are all old gits like me lol I'm hoping to join the COG clan before clan wars start on Friday can anyone help
Welcome to the CAG forums!
You've picked a great place to come be a part of. Nothing but good people wanting to have a good time. Just make sure to familiarize yourself with the Forums, and don't be scared to ask us any questions you may have, and one of us will definitely get back to you with an answer.
Make sure your next step is to put in a Clan Application here: CAG Clan Application
You can also find the requirements for Medals and Awards here: Clan Awards/Medals
Two more good pieces of information to check out and learn are the backbones of this Clan group and are what keeps it running well enough to be voted the #1 Clan site...
You can find them here: Code of Conduct, And the Chain of Command
Also, If you ever play COD: Ghosts or COD: Advanced Warfare on PS3, feel free to add me: DemikDaGawd
Until then, look around and enjoy yourself!
Welcome to CAG. Add me if you play AW or Ghosts on the X1
Welcome to the forums. If you play on x360 addme, gt - OnixEwok . I am usually playing cod blops2, ghosts or AW. If you haven't yet done so please follow your welcome visitor message to use the link to put in your application for you game and system of choice. If you have any questions feel free to search the forums for the answer odds are someone has already asked and had it answered. If the answer cannot be found feel free to ask it, and someone in the this family will gladly answer. Get yourself acquainted with these forums as to rank up and succeed you will need to be active on them. So look around and enjoy your stay.
Lastly be sure you review and follow the code of conduct and chain of command.
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