Date: 1/13/15
Kills: 88 With my Primary 2 Hand Gun Ribbins So........ 96 kills
Map: Operation Locker
Game Mode: Conquest
CAG Member: StainShake
Battlelog link:
Post your information for your Battlefield Marksman.
Date: 1/13/15
Kills: 88 With my Primary 2 Hand Gun Ribbins So........ 96 kills
Map: Operation Locker
Game Mode: Conquest
CAG Member: StainShake
Battlelog link:
Can someone check this if you have the time. Thanks
there you go, sorry didnt realize it wasnt there
MERZiN8 (January 20th, 2015)
All games are verified. Great work on this!
Your recruitment period ends on 1/22/2015 at which time I will recommend your awards. Thank you for your time and dedication in this process and I look forward to your official joining of CAG and Whiskey Company!
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