16-10 Horizon
16-9 Biolab
18-10 Biolab
17-10 Horizon
17-10 Detroit
15-5 Comeback
15-9 Defender
Played with SprayAim.
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Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
16-10 Horizon
16-9 Biolab
18-10 Biolab
17-10 Horizon
17-10 Detroit
15-5 Comeback
15-9 Defender
Played with SprayAim.
i confirm my games bro.
now make sure you get your post count up on the forum ready for when this marksman is completed - you need at least 30 posts bro
Are these games on core or hardcore ?
If they are on core it's 10 games instead of 5 ..
You also need to complete the correct "Marksman" ...this is not the COD Brigade Marksman, you need to do the Marksman Badge
The CAG Brigade Marksman's Medal is to get into the Charlie Delta Squad ....
You need to do your Weapon Badges threads the following way:
How To Make Your Marksmen/sharpshooter/expert Award Thread .
First . Finding the right forum
From the forums main page go to the thread marked Awards , Badges , Metals and Ribbons . Click on it . From here you need to click on the thread that applies to witch award you are going for . BF recruits/members go to BF threads and COD recruits/members go to COD threads . Once you are in the thread that applies to the award you are going for you need to start a new thread .
Second . Creating a thread for the award you are going for so it can be confirmed by a full member.
Once you are in the thread that applies to the award you are going for . In the top right just above the thread body you will see a tab that reads " + post new thread " click on it . Once in the new thread page you will see a spot at the top that reads "title" , here is where the name of the thread is going to be put in . You mush have you username/gamertag in the title . See example below ↓ . Next is the body of the thread . In here is where your date , map , kd and witness gos . Also see example below ↓ . Once you have entered all your info click on submit new thread . You have now made your award thread .
Remeber all games on COD side must be witnessed by a full member . BF guys get with you fire teamleaders for more info on that . Also there are two ways of going about entering this info on your awards thread . You can right them down and keep track of them and once you have them all completed make your thread . Or input them as you go . And fellas wait to get your games confirmed before you apply for your award
CAG BIG COUNTRY'S entry marksmen
GAG GypsyOutlaw , CAG CheechDogg , CAG Covileader
CAG Lucid , CAG GypsyOutlaw
Thank You ,
Lieutenant Colonel
COD Battalion Commander
NuT jOb (January 12th, 2015)
congrats and have a good time fun is always the key to sucess
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