Any Official CAG Members And Recruits Can Join (X360 Blackopsll)
Basically tomorow , or today (Sunday) im doing my sharpshooter on Black Ops ll, Because its easyier, it won't take up to 4 hours on HD TDM to complete it and send it off, so tomorow at 5:00 GMT, 12PM Pacific. If ANYONE needs there marksman, Sharpshooter doing, heres the time. Any problems just comment or msg me.
CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 439,231
Next Level: 453,790
That's cool, I'll Message Reaper if anyone needs there Marksman, As long as its the same Mode its ok, (EG: Advanced Warfare Core 10 Times/ Black Ops ll Core 10 Times) but I'm looking for sharpshooter So if you haven't completed Sharpshooter now is your chance rocky,
CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 439,231
Next Level: 453,790