Brainstorming To Help People Reach Level 30 And 31
Hoping this thread will help people who aren't level 31 or 32 level up. this is to include other than the obvious of raiding Crota
- grouping to speed run through bounties to buy vanguard gear. Best way is to have three people in separate locations to cut down on travel time when you get the go find or go kill this bounties
- making another guardian of the same class as your main and getting higher level clan members to power level you through the story and bounties. ( I get loot for raids three times a week because I have three Titans that I raid with and is the only reason I reached level 32 so fast. Also get three weekly strikes for 27 xur coins a week)
- level up Eris asap to level 4 so you can change your energy to shards so that you can upgrade your Crota armor. The hardest part of getting level 32 isn't getting the gear it's getting all the shards to level up said gear.
in my opinion our focus should be on getting people to level 32 asap or at least lv 31 before the hard raid is rolled out. Already a level 32 does 100% more damage to Crota than a level 30 and when the hard raid is here everything will probably be level 35 or higher.
- don't forget to level up your husk of the pit and use the 1st story on the moon to fill it up
let's use this to help each other out and get prepared for the non-cheese Crota and hard raid.
CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
Experience: 925,257
Next Level: 1,000,000
I'm having a hard time with the weekly (lvl 30) and the nightfall. I have the 360 and I know alot of ppl have the xbox 1 now. If there is anyone willing or able to help me out I'd appreciate it. I have a warlock lvl 28 hunter lvl 29 and a titan lvl 28. Have some of the new gear that came out with the expansion on all of them.
CAG Dogg Level: 25 [?]
Experience: 96,429
Next Level: 100,000
you really need to pick one character grind out some marks and buy some vanguard gear for level 31. Not to mention get into the Crota raid but in the mean time what part are you getting stuck on? If you can get to the end of the strike withe the main boss go to the far side of the room on top floor, jump on the support beam and jump onto the light fixture in the middle of the room for a great sniper vantage point. I'm sure you could youtube it
CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
Experience: 925,257
Next Level: 1,000,000
Now what you can do is run the raid on your hunter, but if you want to hit level 32 fast you might want to make another Hunter so you can run the crota raid, weekly nightfall, and weekly heroic twice a week for double the chances at gear.
I have two titans and we ran most of the raid last night I ended up getting 11 shards from the raid and I didn't even finish it.
For you to get max level you want either full raid gear or 3 pieces of raid gear and one exotic piece
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 3,670,992
Next Level: 4,297,834