Quote Originally Posted by SprayAim View Post
As far as i know the "Mandatory" part of requirements is achieving marksman and waiting for your 2 week trial to end.

The post count rule however necessary is only a guideline of sorts to gauge a members activity and ability to participate on the forums, whether or not this rule is stuck to by the person in charge of that particular recruit is done so at their discretion.

whether a member gets a message or blasting publicly all depends on the severity and frequency of the rule breaking but my advice would be to try and handle the matter privately if possible - public humiliation does nothing for the image of CAG or for moral of the members both involved directly and in-directly..... That being said, there are cases when calling them out for all to see becomes a necessity

The probation time is set in stone at 2 weeks... this determines how serious a recruit is about joining - a short wait is nothing to prove they want to be in CAG ---- on the opposite side of the coin, If a member does not complete marksman in the allocated time but show sincere and genuine interest and dedication of being a part of CAG, this probation period can be extended (for eg, if a member is active and making an effort but due to bad luck or poor games has been unable to achieve marksman games) This extension is also at the discretion of the person handling that particular recruit.

If a potential recruit fails the probation period for any reason they can always re-apply to CAG and start again
That was a LOT of information but thank you for the lengthy response. I will keep things in the front of my mind.

One question in regards to the things you have written. "This extension is also at the discretion of the person handling that particular recruit." Is there suppose to be one person taking care of each recruit, and is this also in place for members as well? Being a new-ish member here, I am having a difficult time figuring out what to do besides volunteering for the things that I have already done so willingly (Destiny tutorials, recruiting, etc.). Are we able to have a "mentor" or is that something that could be possible?