1st) Your on the Destiny Roster because you've told us numerous times that you wanted Destiny to be your main game. I don't know how many times I gotta say this, you guys are free to play any game the only exception to that rule is if you hold any kind of leadership billet.
- Fireteam Leader
- Squad Leader
- Platoon Sergeant
- Platoon Commander etc
2nd) So if your a Bravo FTL and your needed then yes you are required to go on Advanced Warfare if and when they need you. Keep in mind also that anyone holding a billet r often times the first ones available to help a recruit.
3rd) Destiny is currently being overseen by CAG xPARCHx on the Xbox One Division. I'm assisting him on that. We already have the marksmen. Currently we are testing the sharpshooter & expert that'll be done in both strikes (PVE) & Crucible (PVP) in order to fullfill both types of players who apply for destiny. One the 360 side am not sure who is leading it. All members are required to be apart of the Destiny Clan via Bungie.net search for "CAG Clan".
I hope this answers your questions