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Thread: Tonight's Scrim: How Can We Do Better?

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  1. #1
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Tonight's Scrim: How Can We Do Better?

    To put this in perspective for those that didn't show, or didn't sign up: tonight's scrim failed. Overall the problem was lack of planning. Planning being the overall general term. That includes Rules specific to not just the games, but actual showing up. I'm not going to call out people for not showing up for whatever reason. It is behind us. This was also our first "official" scrim, and I know I learned a lot from it. I'm going to offer this thread up as a PLANNING THREAD. So with that being said, No bashing/calling out others for what happened, didn't happen. No arguing, debating is one thing, but no arguing. Nothing will be accomplished. I've scrimmed before and I want to help this clan get its feet wet when it comes to Competitive play in BF4. And I sure as hell don't want to be alone in doing so. So PLEASE, I want to hear your suggestions. This is what needs to be talked about:

    -Signing-up for scrims
    -Game specific(Guns/gadgets/grenades/ect)

    -Ive only seen Scrims for Domination, TDM, Squad Rush(BF3), and Squad Deathmatch
    -Conquest Small or Large needs to be a FULL team, no questions asked. Small for 6 players won't cut it. Still too big. If its Infantry only with no vehicles, maybe. Otherwise, no.

    Team Sizes:
    -Put a limit where it needs to be, first come first serve sign-up. 4v4 min, and then obvious max.

    I'm making a Microsoft Word Document for all of this. So if we agree on something, I'll type it up and then when we finish, we'll have something to look back on. Let's do this!
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

    CAG Dogg Level: 34 [?]
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  2. #2
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    i think it was all pretty well kept for the most part. obviously people who didn't read the thread would have to have it explained to them before playing. beyond that it wasn't too bad, got started shortly after 10 only missing 1 or was it 2?

    there was a total lack of in game comms the first game, just total chaos. that is something that needs the most work in my opinion. i tried to get it going but it just didn't work out.

    other than that i think it went fairly well, at least for the round i got to participate in.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  3. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

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  4. #3
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    i think it was all pretty well kept for the most part. obviously people who didn't read the thread would have to have it explained to them before playing. beyond that it wasn't too bad, got started shortly after 10 only missing 1 or was it 2?

    there was a total lack of in game comms the first game, just total chaos. that is something that needs the most work in my opinion. i tried to get it going but it just didn't work out.

    other than that i think it went fairly well, at least for the round i got to participate in.

    I want to completely start over. Start from scratch, plan it ALL over a week or so with clear heads and multiple inputs instead of just those who talk about it once. Anyone who ever wants to play competitive should have a say in the Rules.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

    CAG Dogg Level: 34 [?]
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  5. #4
    Nesty's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Tonight's Scrim: How Can We Do Better?

    Fuck the lack of planning! We had everything set up and bottom line is people didn't show up! I am completely offended when you say we had a lack of planning! That is absolutely not the case!

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
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  6. #5
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Nesty View Post
    Fuck the lack of planning! We had everything set up and bottom line is people didn't show up! I am completely offended when you say we had a lack of planning! That is absolutely not the case!
    Because of what happened tonight and the sheer disappointment of several players in what happened, combined with the timing of this thread, I will not respond in the manner that I was about to. I am only trying my best. I want this to be an open discussion on a new thread with clear heads. Please don't take that the wrong way. All I remember reading from the thread was a time set for 10pm EST Monday night (Which I don't remember seeing a set time till a day or so ago, just "Monday night"). There was one or two comments saying show up early so we wouldn't have to deal with maps and teams and whatnot, but I'm assuming since people saw we had ironed out the teams and "rules" to just show up at 10. Even then it was hard.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

    CAG Dogg Level: 34 [?]
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  7. #6
    Nesty's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Gryff View Post
    Because of what happened tonight and the sheer disappointment of several players in what happened, combined with the timing of this thread, I will not respond in the manner that I was about to. I am only trying my best. I want this to be an open discussion on a new thread with clear heads. Please don't take that the wrong way. All I remember reading from the thread was a time set for 10pm EST Monday night (Which I don't remember seeing a set time till a day or so ago, just "Monday night"). There was one or two comments saying show up early so we wouldn't have to deal with maps and teams and whatnot, but I'm assuming since people saw we had ironed out the teams and "rules" to just show up at 10. Even then it was hard.
    I don't know exaclty what you are trying to say Gryff. But I do know botttom line is that I made it well known on that thread (and in plently decent time) when the scrim was going to be and guys decided to not show up and rage quit.

    I commend you on a second effort but organization does nothing unless guys show up when they say they will. Which was obviously not the case tonight.

    Good luck to you on these scrims but I will no longer be participating.

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
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  8. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Nesty For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (January 5th, 2015),CAG JB (January 6th, 2015)

  9. #7
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Nesty View Post
    I don't know exaclty what you are trying to say Gryff. But I do know botttom line is that I made it well known on that thread (and in plently decent time) when the scrim was going to be and guys decided to not show up and rage quit.

    I commend you on a second effort but organization does nothing unless guys show up when they say they will. Which was obviously not the case tonight.

    Good luck to you on these scrims but I will no longer be participating.
    I sincerely hope you will not back out of this, considering I value your opinion very highly and I liked many of the points you made in the other thread. You are correct, organization means absolutely shit when people don't show. However, I don't believe it was as organized as it could've been. I feel like more time should've been put into irony out the little details. You can't blame someone for having poor connection issues or in-ability to sign in, when on stated that Social and Gaming was down for the 360 and ONE for a good portion of tonight. Players having trouble signing in was the least of the problems.

    The only thing I'm not sure about is what competitive means to CAG, and what CAG actually wants to do competitively. Answer it as you feel, but I'm not sure if others feel the same. I want this thread to figure that out. And I would appreciate IMMENSELY, your help in doing so. After all, I am just a PFC.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

    CAG Dogg Level: 34 [?]
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  10. #8
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    I showed up and while I was getting my ass handed to me I had fun lol ...

    No reason to get offended or upset about anything ... teams that play for months and even years together are the teams who play as a team ...

    I won't give my feedback on it because I have a very strict way of playing and I guarantee you that not one single person on bf4 would be able to handle my strictness when it comes to playing ....

    With that said you guys need to find other players in lobbies who want to be in competitive gaming ... because to tell you the GOD honest truth CAG is more casual than competitive especially on BF4 .... takes a lot of hard work a lot of patience and discipline to get a competition squad going ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  11. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (January 6th, 2015),RzaRay (January 6th, 2015),SprayAim (January 6th, 2015)

  12. #9
    Gryff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    I showed up and while I was getting my ass handed to me I had fun lol ...

    No reason to get offended or upset about anything ... teams that play for months and even years together are the teams who play as a team ...

    I won't give my feedback on it because I have a very strict way of playing and I guarantee you that not one single person on bf4 would be able to handle my strictness when it comes to playing ....

    With that said you guys need to find other players in lobbies who want to be in competitive gaming ... because to tell you the GOD honest truth CAG is more casual than competitive especially on BF4 .... takes a lot of hard work a lot of patience and discipline to get a competition squad going ...
    All true. I've only ever played competitively on Halo and BF3/4. There were aspects I liked and hated. But rules and modes were decided upon by 8 people in a party, while someone wrote it all down. It was what everyone compromised on, and there weren't any changes. And we practiced all the time with it. Weekly practices, to the extent of , if you didn't come to the practices, you couldn't sign up for the clan vs clan scrims.

    I'm sorry to say, but even in house Competitive isn't something you just start in a thread with only a select number of people viewing and replying too. Everyone needs to see it.
    Woe to the gamer who steps in front of the hot, metal barrel of my powerful, box-fed, M240B and becomes a statistic for my Sharpshooter Badge, before his limp virtual body hits the ground.

    CAG Dogg Level: 34 [?]
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  13. #10
    Nesty's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    I showed up and while I was getting my ass handed to me I had fun lol ...

    No reason to get offended or upset about anything ... teams that play for months and even years together are the teams who play as a team ...

    I won't give my feedback on it because I have a very strict way of playing and I guarantee you that not one single person on bf4 would be able to handle my strictness when it comes to playing ....

    With that said you guys need to find other players in lobbies who want to be in competitive gaming ... because to tell you the GOD honest truth CAG is more casual than competitive especially on BF4 .... takes a lot of hard work a lot of patience and discipline to get a competition squad going ...
    I challenge this. I would absolutely be able to handle Cheech's "strictness" while playing. I think we could have a Defuse team that would rock the world!!!!

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
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