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Thread: Tonight's Scrim: How Can We Do Better?

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  1. #11
    HG867's Avatar
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    There needs to be a rule that if someone cannot show and have already signed up they have to post it on the forums of there absence. Signing up, not showing, and zero responses or follow up is unacceptable.
    The sooner the better so we can fill your spot.

    I know there was people having troubling connecting to people's party. If that comes up every member should have tested themselves as host. Game chat screws the other team if they need to talk.. Especially about balancing for instance.

    I'm also still confused why somebody did not come over to stain shakes party to say hey. We need a minute to figure out the party we can't connect.
    EVERYONE needs patience on these things. The xbox is slow when trying to do multiple things. It is especially hard when people are appearing offline.

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
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  3. #12
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    You guys who want to be "competitive" need to figure that out lol ....

    I play with very strict rules and you can ask the guys from Bravo formerly Alpha Company how I expect my guys to play ...

    It is going to take you guys at least 2 months to put something together no matter what the definition of "competitive" might be to every singe one of you guys ... Without discipline and unselfishness you guys won't get anything off the ground ... every single member has to have a specific job/duty (billet) in the squad and they "must" stick to it ... i.e.,

    5 man squad

    1 squad leader
    1 automatic rifleman
    1 grenadier
    1 assaultman
    1 sniper/scout

    Each person needs to be equipped with different goodies ... the automatic rifleman is of course the support guy and would be required to have smoke grenades and what not to help put cover up ...

    The grenadier if the game allows it would be right by the automatic rifleman to keep getting his ammo replenished

    the assaultman and squad leader would probably be the ones running around capping shit with the automatic rifleman and grenadier right behind them ...

    I have played battlefield and socom way too long and believe me when I say that accepting responsibility and sticking to gameplan is the only way to go about it if you want to be competitive ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  4. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (January 6th, 2015),HG867 (January 5th, 2015),RzaRay (January 6th, 2015),SprayAim (January 6th, 2015)

  5. #13
    Sgt Bear's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    First of of all I want to apologize to Cheech. I am the one who invited Cheech to the scrim. I wanted to show Cheech how Whiskey Company handles themselves in scrims. I was hoping we would shine, but that wasn't the case. We obviously have issues and they need to be worked out before we do another scrim. Was i expecting perfection. The answer is no because in life you have to master something before it can be perfect. For the members that stuck around til the very end , I want to say "Thanks". For the members that left for whatever reason, I hope you will give this a second chance.but if you don't , I respect your decision. I feel there needs to be more communication from the team captains to their members and to other captain. I still want to do these scrims because hopefully we can learn from each other and be able to compete against other clans. Remember what makes us weak now, will make us stronger later.

    XBOX 360 Division Commander
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Sgt Bear For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (January 6th, 2015)

  7. #14
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    Like I mentioned to nesty before this ain't gonna be an easy thing to achieve,regular scrims and working towards competitive play wont be an easy task.there will always be factors that will always get in the way eg -

    Timezone,as we all know too well timezone plays a bug factor in who gets to play together and who doesn't.this alone will always affect the ability to organize squads.

    Real life shit eg -

    Work,kids,homelife,sickness etc this will and should always come first from anyone's point of view.things in this aspect tend to crop up most of the time without notice and can and will always stay unpredictable.

    Ppls ability eg the ability to listen and work towards the same goal instructed by their team captain or should it be Squad Leader - this is down to every individual person in my opinion.everyone wants the same thing and this can only be achieved by leadership through your respective Squad Leaders on game day(and practices)Squad Leaders can only respectively ask their team to listen but its down to the individuals to pay heed and acknowledge this,if this doesn't happen I can tell u now things will NOT WORK!

    Hrs of play eg - ppls gaming time

    Everyone games at different times may it be to timezone(mentioned above) or other factors.this cannot be to be able to organize a team of 8,10,12 or more ppl this is a feat on itself.their ain't no point getting pissed off at others as u cant control when someone puts their finger on the power button on their console or controller.

    This is just a few facts that all u guys have to fight against and try and over come in relation to not saying it wont work or it will just remember that these factors will not be easy to overcome for the best part of things and that they will always be for the best part outside of your control!
    CAG JB

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  8. #15
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    comms and lack of following the game plan (granted my team didn't have a legit, laid out, game plan but we all know you need to hold 2 flags to get the burn in Dom) were the biggest problem on my team last night, at least for the round i was able to play. at one point someone said "we gotta hold 2 flags to win to win/burn guys" and then ran off the B cap to A while we had C and got killed lol. chaos.

    everything else, in my opinion was fine other than there not being a rule for Beacons on Conquest. that made no sense to me lol that's where beacons are abused not in Domo lol.

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  9. #16
    StainShake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Sgt Bear View Post
    First of of all I want to apologize to Cheech. I am the one who invited Cheech to the scrim. I wanted to show Cheech how Whiskey Company handles themselves in scrims. I was hoping we would shine, but that wasn't the case. We obviously have issues and they need to be worked out before we do another scrim. Was i expecting perfection. The answer is no because in life you have to master something before it can be perfect. For the members that stuck around til the very end , I want to say "Thanks". For the members that left for whatever reason, I hope you will give this a second chance.but if you don't , I respect your decision. I feel there needs to be more communication from the team captains to their members and to other captain. I still want to do these scrims because hopefully we can learn from each other and be able to compete against other clans. Remember what makes us weak now, will make us stronger later.

    XBOX 360 Division Commander
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    I agree with everything you said except this. Even though we didn't practice before hand because I wasn't available, I took the responsibility of being a team captain very seriously, and thought about strategy for days before, researching videos and info on competitive play. I even spent some time pitching my strategy to Merz yesterday via PM. When I signed in 1/2 half hour before, I got in a party with my guys, told them my plan, asked for their input, we figured out what was good/bad about my plan, tweaked it, and I feel that we ran it great. Was is perfect? no, but I am happy with my teams performance for sure.
    Nice job Team Shake!
    if anything, I was the weak link on the team
    I really hope this wasn't the end of doing this...........

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to StainShake For This Fucking Post:

    RzaRay (January 6th, 2015)

  11. #17
    CAG Stud
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    Bear you guys didn't disappoint me at all last night my Man ..I actually fell asleep during the game and ended up getting kicked out of the server lol ..

    But let me point out a few things from last night ...

    When someone is a squad leader and he dies ...he needs to let the squad know he is down ... that will allow his squad members to stay put or prevent from dying to keep spawning in a certain location ....

    Same goes for the squad ...if they die ...everyone needs to communicate and hold back and choose their fights wisely to stay together and spawning together as much as possible ... spawning last night was a cluster fuck soon as I saw someone spawning they ran away without care getting shot within 5 seconds of spawning tact at all !!!!

    There is a reason this game allows you to spawn on your team-mates ...USE IT WISELY !!!!

    Don't shoot at everything you u see !!! You might not have the best shot so give it to someone else and call everything out !!!! communication was really lacking last night and that is something that is needed at all times ....

    Extra chatter needs to be eliminated ... all that extra chatter should be about where they last went down ..where someone is..what they are using ....INTEL !!!!

    And last but not least...getting mad at each other is just stupid !!! Posting what you feel on the forums needs to be carefully thought out before you hit the submit button ... you guys want to criticize each other? fine .... but don't question each other ...there needs to be trust between all of you and questioning each others intentions and availability is unacceptable ... xbox live has been horrible the last few weeks .... we know there have been aimed attacks on xbox live servers by hackers and it is going to continue ... some people are able to log in right away and others can not !!!! I was not going to get an XBOX ONE because of the problems logging onto xbox live ...but for some reason "I" am not having those problems .....

    If you guys don't do your best right now to work together no matter what team you guys are in during the scrims guys will never get shit going .... Again ...I have been around for a long ass time doing clan matches ... I have seen it all during that time ... 17 years is enough time to allow me to see the errors and mistakes that others do ....

    You guys need to listen to your squad leader ...there "CAN NOT" be more than one person leading this squad and everyone "HAS" to agree to listen and obey their squad leader ...if you guys can not do that then again you guys won't get shit down ....

    Ask my guys on Charlie Delta ... what I say goes ...simple as that ...if I am not around there is one person calling the shots ...they don't question each other they just do what they need to do to get the job done !!!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  12. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    MERZiN8 (January 6th, 2015),RzaRay (January 6th, 2015),Sgt Bear (January 6th, 2015),StainShake (January 6th, 2015)

  13. #18
    StainShake's Avatar
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    Just to clarify, I want to make sure that everyone knows that my above post was not to take a jab at anyone, or argue. I just wanted to let you all know how the other half lived, and I think overall, team Shake ran pretty well (they did have an amazing leader lol). The purpose of the post was to thank my team for doing well, even though we weren't perfect, it was fun, ran smooth, everyone communicated, and we did well. My guys did good, and I wanted to give them some "props".
    Just my .02

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  14. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to StainShake For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (January 6th, 2015),MERZiN8 (January 6th, 2015),RzaRay (January 6th, 2015)

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