So I have a question. I understand that I'm a recruit for "Alpha Company", actually a few questions...
a) Is there a specific alpha company lobby in which to post for only other alpha company members.
b) Is the a member list for said company
c) When I read the application is asks which squad/game modes you intend to play as this determines squad. Don't get me wrong TDM is growing on me but still love domination the most and would like to meet a few other people that we can play without having to watch idiots run past flags like they're lost. I've played with a few good people up until now, namely, RE4PER, K1LLERz, QU33N, REDNECKBATMAN, ROCKY, MONEY, ETC (sorry if I missed anyone) but it seems TDM is the go to game.
that last one was long so I forget my other questions.... dammit