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Thread: Alpha Company

Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here

  1. #1
    buullfrog's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Alpha Company

    So I have a question. I understand that I'm a recruit for "Alpha Company", actually a few questions...

    a) Is there a specific alpha company lobby in which to post for only other alpha company members.

    b) Is the a member list for said company

    c) When I read the application is asks which squad/game modes you intend to play as this determines squad. Don't get me wrong TDM is growing on me but still love domination the most and would like to meet a few other people that we can play without having to watch idiots run past flags like they're lost. I've played with a few good people up until now, namely, RE4PER, K1LLERz, QU33N, REDNECKBATMAN, ROCKY, MONEY, ETC (sorry if I missed anyone) but it seems TDM is the go to game.

    that last one was long so I forget my other questions.... dammit

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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  2. #2
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buullfrog View Post
    So I have a question. I understand that I'm a recruit for "Alpha Company", actually a few questions...

    a) Is there a specific alpha company lobby in which to post for only other alpha company members.

    b) Is the a member list for said company

    c) When I read the application is asks which squad/game modes you intend to play as this determines squad. Don't get me wrong TDM is growing on me but still love domination the most and would like to meet a few other people that we can play without having to watch idiots run past flags like they're lost. I've played with a few good people up until now, namely, RE4PER, K1LLERz, QU33N, REDNECKBATMAN, ROCKY, MONEY, ETC (sorry if I missed anyone) but it seems TDM is the go to game.

    that last one was long so I forget my other questions.... dammit
    As far as Alpha company lobby you can find it under the Alpha company thread its the top one in there. The other s are for expansion as I understand it. ( If im incorrect on this please let me know )

    A member list kind of dosent exist yet it kind of dose the best way to see who is in what company is to click the roster tab and sort by company. There you will see all members in Alpha, this includes inactive members.

    I wouldnt worry so much about squad at this time. I think this is mostly for clan wars. If you are interested in clan wars let me know and we can get you added to the roster. For now party up with your friends and say lets play X im sure everyone is up to play some new game modes right now im into hardpoint. The only time TDM has to be played is if a recruit is working on Marksman.

    When you think of the other question post it up and we will do our best to answer it.

    CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
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  3. #3
    buullfrog's Avatar
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    Alberta, Canada
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Thanks for the quick reply

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
    Experience: 537,165
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