Destiny Group HQ
- POC:
- Platoon Guide: TBA
- Forums Messenger: TBA*
Alpha Squad [K1-A]
Squad Leader:
1st Fireteam:
Leader: CAG ShadowSnypr
Riflemen: Mocubitz
Riflemen: Lumbeeboy19
[R]: Kiprip
CAG TheKid
CAG Chong
[R]Aura CriSis
Discussion forum for 1st Platoon Members on Xbox One.
Destiny Group HQ
- POC:
- Platoon Guide: TBA
- Forums Messenger: TBA*
Alpha Squad [K1-A]
Squad Leader:
1st Fireteam:
Leader: CAG ShadowSnypr
Riflemen: Mocubitz
Riflemen: Lumbeeboy19
[R]: Kiprip
CAG TheKid
CAG Chong
[R]Aura CriSis
Last edited by SprayAim; November 6th, 2015 at 08:13 AM.
RzaRay (January 2nd, 2015)
Thanks for the privilege of being a fireteam leader hopefully I can live up to the responsibilty. If I dont please feel free to tell me to get my ass in gear and start doing better and be sure to tell me how to do better and I will then do my best to do better.
CAG CheechDogg (January 2nd, 2015),Mocubitz (January 8th, 2015),Randuken (January 2nd, 2015)
Oh believe me my man, we'll mentor ya. You have plenty of mentors around who have been in the same boat
namely Newly, Carnage, Parch and Myself. Once we get these Marksmen, Sharpshooter & Expert all situated.
We'll kick into next gear.
Beastmode (January 2nd, 2015),CAG ShadowSnypr (January 2nd, 2015)
CAG ShadowSnypr (January 2nd, 2015)
CAG ShadowSnypr (January 2nd, 2015)
Congrats Shadow! That is great!
Randuken, would I be able to get Admin for the clan so I will be able to accept the 360 guys as they come in without bugging you about it?
CAG ShadowSnypr (January 8th, 2015)
I was adding members when I noticed CAG Progidy's name was misspelled above. It is the normal spelling of "prodigy". If anyone is interested in that.
CAG SILENT (May 8th, 2015)
I'll get with Silent and see what needs to be done. Look for it at around 1700 for the update.
CAG SILENT (May 8th, 2015)
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