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  1. #41
    Carnage's Avatar
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    Its damn near impossible to play Destiny like we do Call Of Duty, as Mocubitz stated there are so many factors that play into a death. Any sort of restrictions placed will give you a really really big disadvantage and there is no way to combat that. I understand the medals are meant to show gun skill, but for destiny you can't just use your primary. There are so many factors in a death, classes, abilities, supers, special ammo, and heavy ammo. The nice thing about super abilities and heavy ammo is that you don't have access to them all the time. All supers are a one time use or they have a timer, one used up you gotta go earn it again, For heavy ammo that only spawns a few times a game and doesn't give a whole lot of ammo. Also if you die with heavy ammo you lose it.

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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Carnage For This Fucking Post:

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  3. #42
    xX Infernous Xx's Avatar
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    What you guys need to realize is destiny is nothing like call of duty, so to use the same logic on destiny as you would for cod just doesn't work.. having a set number of kills with a set number of allowed deaths doesn't work for atrikes, because each strike varies in number of enemies. Some would be impossable, others people could do them half asleep.there needs to be a total % needed from the over all kills of the match. Like 40% for sharp and 50% for expert. It makes it hard, but doable for every map. In crucible saying only a primary weapon is allowed for so many kills and deaths is near impossible even with a full team because there's so many rediculous ways you can get killed, and if you're cowwring in a corner to not die then you're not being effective in the match. I would rather have someone that as 15 deaths but a 5k game score than someone who has 4 deaths but a 1k or 2k game score. All these requirements you guys want set is only pushing people to camp their asses off and not be effective in the actual game. And last time I checked, winning is more important. That's why me and mocubitz suggested the 1.5 kdr and 4500 points for sharp and 2.0 kdr and 5500 points for expert. It forces people to play well and be effective in the match. I'm not trying to offend anyone or start an argument, I'm just stating my opinion since I understand how the game works. I've been playing it since release and probably have 500+ hours. When it comes to destiny I know what I'm talking about.

    I'm done with my rant, thank you for reading and hope I didn't offend anyone.

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  4. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to xX Infernous Xx For This Fucking Post:

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  5. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mocubitz View Post
    Cheech, am I able to make a formal request? Like something that I want to do but I want to ask permission to do it to make sure that it is in the best interest of CAG. It will REALLY get these medals and badges sorted for Destiny in a VERY quick hurry. I really want these badges and medals to be finished so that Destiny can grow how I picture it. I am just asking if I am able to request permission to do something or if I should just let things fall as they are.
    Of course you can ... go ahead and post what you want my Man ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mocubitz View Post
    Infernous and I just got done doing a trial attempt at the primary ONLY 20 kills and 5 and under deaths. We played 3 games and they did NOT go well. I consider Infernous and I above average players. I was VERY strict on the rules. I recorded all 3 games, and I am uploading them to youtube now. When the video is fully uploaded, I will post the link here. You guys will see all 3 games, unedited, and you guys can decide if that is how we want to do things, but I think I speak for Infernous and I both on this one. I don't think this is possible at all for Sharpshooter or Expert. Using only a Primary and going 20 and 5 is going to be nearly impossible. Like I said, I will post the video when it is done, I will also post the rules that we both followed, and I will also post the bungie legend logs for the games.
    You guys keep missing the whole point of the weapon badges .... they are to show marksmanship using your weapons and not any explosives ...if you guys find a way to use just the weapons systems I don't care what they are in Destiny, heavy, primary special what ever they are but they need to only be firing weapon systems from yourselves not anything with explosives .... simple !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by xX Infernous Xx View Post
    What you guys need to realize is destiny is nothing like call of duty, so to use the same logic on destiny as you would for cod just doesn't work.. having a set number of kills with a set number of allowed deaths doesn't work for atrikes, because each strike varies in number of enemies. Some would be impossable, others people could do them half asleep.there needs to be a total % needed from the over all kills of the match. Like 40% for sharp and 50% for expert. It makes it hard, but doable for every map. In crucible saying only a primary weapon is allowed for so many kills and deaths is near impossible even with a full team because there's so many rediculous ways you can get killed, and if you're cowwring in a corner to not die then you're not being effective in the match. I would rather have someone that as 15 deaths but a 5k game score than someone who has 4 deaths but a 1k or 2k game score. All these requirements you guys want set is only pushing people to camp their asses off and not be effective in the actual game. And last time I checked, winning is more important. That's why me and mocubitz suggested the 1.5 kdr and 4500 points for sharp and 2.0 kdr and 5500 points for expert. It forces people to play well and be effective in the match. I'm not trying to offend anyone or start an argument, I'm just stating my opinion since I understand how the game works. I've been playing it since release and probably have 500+ hours. When it comes to destiny I know what I'm talking about.

    I'm done with my rant, thank you for reading and hope I didn't offend anyone.
    And I do realize that because it's obvious that "NO ONE" to this point has been able to figure this shit out ...

    So what I suggest here is this ..

    For Destiny you guys need to come up with 3 different entry level medals, badges or awards to be used to "Indoctrinate" new recruits into CAG ... they will have to have different names since it is impossible to just be "Marksmanship" type of challenges ...

    So come up with 3 different names and the requirements to mirror the Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert Badges for Destiny ...simple right?
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #44
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    Well I want to do a rifle range type of meeting with the Xbox One guys. I am not sure how this was with everyone else's experience in the service, but this is mine. When people were at the rifle range, the person instructing you on the lines, was always a full rank higher than you were, regardless of what is on their chest. So, if a Sergeant was shooting, the Specialist that is the fire lane instructor is now a Staff Sergeant. I want something like that to happen in a meeting with the Xbox One guys so we can hash these badges out once and for all. The only reason I am requesting the temporary rank higher, is so that the person running the meeting will be able to tell everyone to get off the game they are playing so they are sitting on the Home screen paying attention to the meeting, and not the game. If a Private tells a Sergeant or higher to get off a game for a meeting otherwise, things won't go so well. I just really want to get these medals done so this whole thing is behind us.

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  8. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    You guys keep missing the whole point of the weapon badges .... they are to show marksmanship using your weapons and not any explosives ...if you guys find a way to use just the weapons systems I don't care what they are in Destiny, heavy, primary special what ever they are but they need to only be firing weapon systems from yourselves not anything with explosives .... simple !!!

    And I do realize that because it's obvious that "NO ONE" to this point has been able to figure this shit out ...

    So what I suggest here is this ..

    For Destiny you guys need to come up with 3 different entry level medals, badges or awards to be used to "Indoctrinate" new recruits into CAG ... they will have to have different names since it is impossible to just be "Marksmanship" type of challenges ...

    So come up with 3 different names and the requirements to mirror the Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert Badges for Destiny ...simple right?
    All I meant by the whole post, Cheech, was to say that it is difficult to keep track of those kinds of things because Destiny doesn't have individual stats for those. Although, that brings me to a question about the CoD Marksman then. When they are conducted, after the game is over does it say how many kills a person got with their specific weapon or it is a "member/leader watches the recruit/member for the majority of the match to make sure they are using authorized equipment?" I am not really sure how that works.

    Infernous and I will brainstorm and I will get with the guys on the Xbox One to bounce ideas back and forth and we will post what we have ASAP.

    CAG Dogg Level: 31 [?]
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  9. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Mocubitz For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (January 9th, 2015)

  10. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mocubitz View Post
    All I meant by the whole post, Cheech, was to say that it is difficult to keep track of those kinds of things because Destiny doesn't have individual stats for those. Although, that brings me to a question about the CoD Marksman then. When they are conducted, after the game is over does it say how many kills a person got with their specific weapon or it is a "member/leader watches the recruit/member for the majority of the match to make sure they are using authorized equipment?" I am not really sure how that works.

    Infernous and I will brainstorm and I will get with the guys on the Xbox One to bounce ideas back and forth and we will post what we have ASAP.
    the confirmer keeps an eye on the kill feed in match to make sure no explosives or kill streaks have been used

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  11. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

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  12. #47
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    On COD when a recruit is working on their Marksman almost every single member is keeping and eye out to see how the recruit is getting his kills ... if there is a questionable kill any member on the spot will say something like "oh there goes your marksman for this game you used a grenade" or "oh you teamkilled you have to start over" ..

    We are very vigilant when it comes to these weapon badges on COD ...about the amount of kills with a certain weapon ...I know that in past cod games it did that ... I don't remember that on Ghosts but I do remember it being in BLOPS 2 ...I haven't even looked on AW's after action report either ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  14. #48
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    Okay, that makes sense. I was not aware that was how it went. After reading that, I think it will be possible to maintain the Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert badges in Destiny but I think we make those 3 pvp badges and have another set for pve. As I said before, we will have those medals in soon!

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  15. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Mocubitz For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (January 9th, 2015)

  16. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mocubitz View Post
    Okay, that makes sense. I was not aware that was how it went. After reading that, I think it will be possible to maintain the Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert badges in Destiny but I think we make those 3 pvp badges and have another set for pve. As I said before, we will have those medals in soon!

    i'll agree with this.. though if i may say, i think the "marksman" award for gaining in the trial phase should be the PVP medal as opposed to whatever is decided for the PVE medal.

    this would be more in-keeping with the other games recruitment requirements. PVE does not require the same skill sets as the enemy is AI and difficulty is based on a members level

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  17. #50
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    So I just caught up after waking up. Here is my opinion. It is entirely possible to do strikes and PVP without using heavy amo and super. We should have them use there defender super instead and not any of their grenades. They still have their primary and their secondary weapons. So they have a choice between
    1. Scout Rifle
    2. Hand Cannon
    3. Auto Rifle
    4. Pulse Rifle
    1. Sniper Rifle
    2. Fusion Rifle
    3. Shotgun

    The secondary guns will be more effective to use. Heavy Ammo is already a rarity in the game anyway so just dont allow the recruit to them at all as well as for Sharpshooter and expert. I think it should still be doable. If they use their defender side of the Super it should work out great. And if you ask me if they can self resurrect it should not count as a death.

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