Any1 available to HELP me get Games 4+5 for Marksman badge?
I’ll be on Xbox1…Ghosts for next 2-3 hours. Hard Core (KC or Dom)
P33Tza (CAG Recruit)
Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
Hey Sgt Bear - Ref your above post about WHO can help with my Marksman requirements. Plz note "Item 5." from below excerpt from my "Welcome to Kilo Company" (from CAG Randuken):
THANKS a GAZILLION (again) to yourself, CAG Nesty, and all the other CAG family who're helping me obtain full CAG status.
Marksman Badge Requirements
1. Choice of AR, SMG, Marksman Rifle, or LMG and load out.
2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times
3. No team kills are allowed.
4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives.
5. Must be paired off with a full member of CAG to confirm requirements are met.
Note: Once you have hit the requirements for each badge in a game, only then can you use killstreaks/scorestreaks but you "Must" stay under the allowed deaths per badge requirement. We have a forum to post your Marksman Badge score so that can be confirmed by the person or people who witnessed them. It can be found here. COD Marksman Badge Thread
P33Tza (January 3rd, 2015)
Unfortunately I am new to the xbox gaming Console and do not own Ghosts. If you get AW then I'd be more then happy to help you with whatever you need (I know this is a bit irrelevant as you don't currently have it). Best of luck to you and the ks to any X1 users that own Ghost and are helping this guy complete his marksman
P33Tza (January 3rd, 2015)
Marksman Badge requirements done!
THANKS to the CAG family for helping me get my feet on the ground in the gaming world. My first console (X1 - Nov14), first clan membership (still a CAG recruit), forum-based communication...the list goes on.
CAG members' forum posts and contact via XBL messaging really make the difference.
"No One Left Behind" is a phrase that has been "fleshed out" for me during my recruitment phase...hoping to also make a difference for others.
Beastmode (January 5th, 2015)
Congrats bro! Good work.
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