CAG I think we need to be careful how much we are posting on other forums. It could look bad if we are over doing it. To post once a day that the clan is recruiting is one thing posting on every thread out there to me dosent seem right. Officers if you have questions about this post let me know. I think we just need to be careful what we put out there in the public ( NON CAG forums. )
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 4,163,569
Next Level: 4,297,834
Obviously there is a reputation to uphold. Beyond that, we should all handle ourselves as adults on other peoples boards which if you cannot then don't go on the them.
Beyond that, I would recommend not spamming boards with the same recruiting post everyday. Maybe once a week? All depends on how long it takes for your recruiting post to not be at the top of the page. And remember, just like CAG, you can always just bump your post instead of making a whole new one.
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CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 49,326,823
Next Level: 55,714,302
I know that the COD clan recruitment forum allows for your post to be bumped once a day. My original post is more directed at commenting on every single post on a forum. I think it sends the wrong message when CAG shows up in other clans postings.
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 4,163,569
Next Level: 4,297,834
I have been told that we have members posting in just about every thread on a clan recruitment forum that is not ours. These post are showing up in other clans recruiting posts. All I am saying is its good to post our recruiting but we should not be posting on other clans threads in those forums. Cheech I dont want to throw people under a bus here. If you want all the details I have please PM me. All I was trying to say here was we should watch how often we post in places that are not CAG.
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 4,163,569
Next Level: 4,297,834
No Reaper this is not throwing anyone under the bus .... it's a global fucking rule between respect other clan's recruitment threads no matter what ... We don't poach and we don't hijack other clan's recruitment threads period !!!!
You can mention them here so that the point gets across .... and for everyone who is reading this from this point on careful of what you post and where ... DO NOT post in another clan's recruitment thread ....this is a warning and "THE" only warning you will get from this point on ...anyone found posting on another clan's recruitment threads will be removed from CAG no questions asked...
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 289,906,415
Next Level: 305,690,101
As far as i am aware, i am the only person withing CAG actively recruiting on the CoD forums.......
I post a recruitment message and bump it when it falls off the page... i do also post a reply in other threads but ONLY threads if people actively seeking a new clan and not of other recruitment threads
i do hope that this thread is not aimed at me!
CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
Experience: 18,491,582
Next Level: 19,059,430
If you are not posting in other clan's threads then it is now aimed at you ... right?
well this is why i thought the need to reply.... as far as i am aware. i am the only active CAG member recruiting on the CoD forum daily and i have not knowingly posted in any other clans recruitment post
i am a little drunk rigth now. just got back from a family party and had a lot to drink... i may be missunderstanding the whole point of the thread and taking it completely in the wrong way
if that is the case then i appologise sincerely for my behavior and the jump of the gun with mu response
if and i say again "IF" this was concerning myself then i am merely defending the apparent actions i thought i was accused of. i do not spam or poach members from other clan recruitment posts
CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
Experience: 18,491,582
Next Level: 19,059,430