What dlc was in use?
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
This was my fault. I didn't even comprehend it was on till the game after, I think it was dreag was like who has the target detector, and I was like I do. He said, that's DLC. I was like. .........o yeah. duh. So my bad, Mr Rainy and the rest of you guys. I was marking you manually for a good portion of Zavod.
P33Tza (February 3rd, 2015)
dreag2121 (February 3rd, 2015)
The only reason the dlc guns are banned is because of anybody who does not have dlc doesnt feel like they are at a disadvantage.
HOWEVER I will allow dlc weapons next scrim and for the rest of the scrims but if anybody cries wolf in feeling unfair about not having the same weaponry it will be switched back.
But remember let's say a dlc weapon is a shotgun there is still rule banning shotguns so it can't be played.
Sorry about missing the scrim boys.
If you saw someone on that was my girl friend probably watching a video. I'll be on this week playing the beta
Zoo York US (February 3rd, 2015)
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