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Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
CAG CheechDogg (December 24th, 2014),DemikDaGawd (December 23rd, 2014)
I was in a car accident back in 1998... I almost broke my neck ... then I broke my knees in bootcamp for the Marines ... I have fibromyalgia just like my Mother ..somedays I can't even lay in bed to sleep because my whole body is hurting..I get killer fucking back muscle spasms and pain in both knees and neck ... they tried to give me all sorts of pain meds at the VA and I have declined every single one of them ... I smoked weed to help for the last 10 years but even that gets you in trouble with work and shit ..
My advice to you ...pain sucks but if you can tolerate it avoid taking anything at all ... I sometimes cry because the pain is so bad but there is no fucking way I will be dependent on any fucking lab drug so that at the same time they can be wiping my wallet out and killing me ....
BlameItOnGod13 (December 24th, 2014),DemikDaGawd (December 24th, 2014)
Yeah man, that shit's killer. I recently found out that Dr.'s get paid commission to prescribe people opiates. Particularly the OP's. The ones they formulated to be uncrushable and uninjectable, etc.
I always wondered how the pain pill epidemic got so fierce. I guess that's one reason.
I'm glad you never took any serious medication Cheech. That shit is for the birds. My mom also has Fibromyalgia(sp?) and she takes Lyrica for it. You might want to look into that, as I don't think it's habit forming, but I could be wrong.
Back and neck pain are no joke and I feel you my friend. As for the greens, I was a smoker all my lief. But recently, I think I've outgrown it. Something I never thought possible or never wanted to happen, as it was always what relaxed me and helped me get through. But now, I get all paranoid and feel guilty about smoking haha, something I used to make fun of my friends for being paranoid and thought it was just something that happens every so often. But damned if it didn't happen to me, as well.
So I haven't smoked bud in about 5 months, as much as I'd like to, like you said, Cheech, it gets you into too much trouble at work and places like that. Which is another thing I never understood. Marijuana is considered a drug because it alters your state of mind, but it is the only "Drug" that is untouched by human hands in order to be a drug. Yet, a doctor can step in and prescribe you something that will ultimately ruin your fucking life, but you're okay because you have a "script." This shit is Bass Ackwards!
BlameItOnGod13 (December 24th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (December 24th, 2014)
Yeep ... I have my license here in california for it so I can go grab it anytime..but jobs won't honor that ....buds is still the only way I can relax .... and no way will I take anything made by the labs lol ..
BlameItOnGod13 (December 24th, 2014),DemikDaGawd (December 24th, 2014)
I've been down that road man. I was poppin those all throughout high school and then my supply got cut off. I can't tell you how many times I got caught. Once that happened I started doin dope and ended up in rehab. Shit happens man, people make mistakes. I'm all good now but man that shit is fucked.
Addiction is a mother fucker but there's others here who have been through that type a shit so you'll always have someone to speak words with who won't judge you buddy. I hope everything works out for you man.
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DemikDaGawd (December 24th, 2014)
Thanks a lot man. I appreciate the openness about all this, and giving me the advice and tools that can help kick this beautiful, treacherous drug. And sometimes I wake up with extra inspiration to choose not to do them, but I have a lot of time alone and once those 4 walls start taunting you, it's hard to blend in and try to be mentally strong. I can take the physical pain, it's just the mental shit that makes it so hard to kick.
Once again, I very much appreciate the openness to discuss personal experiences with me on such a touchy subject. Most people think it's something to just, "put down" or they look down upon you because you were dumb enough to trust a Dr. But throughout this experience, it has helped me learn, that the only time I should look down on someone, is when I am helping them up!
After all, after the game, the King and the Pawn go back into the same box!
BlameItOnGod13 (December 24th, 2014)
Yeah it's true man and there's a huge stigma for some reason (considering America has the highest amount of drug abusers) about legal and illegal drug use from those who have never been there. It's something only a person who has been down that road understands. But no one here will judge you man and like Stain said if you ever need someone to talk with there's always someone around to listen. Hope things get better for you dude. Have a good holiday.
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DemikDaGawd (December 24th, 2014)
BlameItOnGod13 (December 24th, 2014)
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