Hello Cheech.
As far as myself and silent are concerned there is no more indecisivness on the requirments for these medals. all we need to be sure of is the image descriptions.
i was thinking something along the lines of this!
Armoured Gunner
Player must destroy 2 tanks and survive
accumulate 1100 damage and survive
Must have full member to confirm as a witness to the game or provide a screenshot of end game screen
Armored Shooter

this medal with the main image swapping for this one:
Player must destroy 4 tanks and survive
accumulate 2200 damage and survive
Must have witness or screenshot to confirm
Armoured Cannoneer

this medal with the main image swapping for this one:
Player must destroy 6 tanks and survive
accumulate 4400 Damage and survive
must have witness or screenie
We do have recruits currently going for these medals and some who have completed them/ waiting 2 weeks. myself, silent and daddy have already "earned" these medals also
i am happy to make this in to a new post if still required