Hey everyone, I figured I'd finally get around to doing an introduction haha. My gamer tag being sayehit7 you can call me sate, hit, satehit, or whatever you feel like really, I don't get offended that easily especially if it's all in good fun. I like to think I'm pretty easy going and easy to get along with.
A little more personal; I'm 19 currently I work for my uncle who has his own masonry business and I do labor work for them. I would like to go to school for welding, specifically pipe welding or marine welding. If you want to know more feel free to ask! I completed my marksman for World of Tanks on the 360 which is usually where I'll be at which I have time to play every day. I would however like to get to know more of you in CAG! I have COD:AW for my one, I also have BF4 and GTA V. I'm really nothing special on COD or BF but I want to get better and play with y'all. On my 360 I also have BLOPS 2 and GTA V. Sorry to those of you bored with having read my book I just made hahaha but I'm done now so rejoice. Anyway if anyway wants to play anything message or add me, like I said gamer tag is satehit7. Peace out!