Welcome to the forums my fellow recruit, please add me GT- OnixEwok
I look forward to playing along side you!
Meet the newest members of the Clan here as well as view their introductions
P33Tza (January 1st, 2015)
Welcome to the forums! If you've got COD AW or GTA V feel free to add me!
Welcome to CAG BetterThanYouOg! If you're looking for a great group of amazing and knowledgeable players, you've definitely come to the right place! Everyone is always willing to help out a fellow CAG DOGG so if you have any questions feel free to ask and if you play cod on 360 add me... gt- rawbear619
BetterThanYou0g (January 3rd, 2015)
Welcome to the CAG forums BetterThanYou0g. I am glad you have decided to take that step to join the clan of all clans being CAG. Please feel free to add me. My GT is CAG Twonn and I am on just about every night mainly playing CAD Advanced Warfare.
P33Tza (January 1st, 2015)
Thank you Bamaguitarguy
okay cool good to know