i think just about everyone of us that owns an XB1 is VERY familiar with those long ass install times but i think i may have found a little trick to drastically reduce the overall amount of time spent installing.
what i read somewhere is if you go offline you can still install the physical game like on 360 when you could install games to your hard drive - basically you want to go offline BEFORE you start installing/pop the game into the console (mistake i made). after that go back online and download/install your update.
now i fucked up and was already online so its trying to install the game and download/install the update - what i'm doing is going offline, waiting for the install to stop, go back online then restart the install - in 25 minutes i'm at 48% after doing this three times - first time it jumped to 30, then 37 now 47.
next time someone installs a physical game, or even if i do - PLEASE give this a shot and let me/us know if it is quicker. what i'm doing is working but still a pain in the ass to jump between on and offline but whatever. at least i'm not sittin around all Sunday while this shit installs....
EDIT - last cycle got me to 56% from 48%.