I'm leaning towards it, probably end up scooping it after work
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Discuss Grand Theft Auto V here.
I got the disc for 360 and I never got into it. I actually prefer the smaller games like GTA IV and Vice City. I'll pick this up again tho when she is down to 30 bucks or so.
BlameItOnGod13 (December 20th, 2014)
Update 2: heading to my local gamestop shortly with the intention of getting GTA.
This thread should prove, if nothing else, how indecisive I am and how quickly I go from one end to the other.
Ideally, yes, I would wait for heists. That being said, I need something other than FIFA and BF4.
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Lmk if you do get it I can be your hoe in the game, I got cash money dawgz
BlameItOnGod13 (December 21st, 2014)
Son I got like 500k and the 250k apartment and a full garage lol. I grinded that one easy repeatable mission that took 5 minutes for what was it like 7 or 8k? for like 10 hours before they patched it back on 360.
And I did buy it, waiting for AC to get out if Wegmans so I can go home and install the shit.
And I'm off tomorrow so suck it world. I'll be up til 2-4 am at least tonight.
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BIG COUNTRY (December 21st, 2014),Randuken (December 21st, 2014)
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