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Thread: Hey CAG Staff And Leaders

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    Hey CAG Staff And Leaders

    Friendly and Deadly neighborhood snyper here. I am able to help out on the forums a little bit. Not sure what more I can do besides welcome new recruits and answer any questions they may have that I am able to answer at this time anyway since I am still a younger DOGG myself and have only been with CAG since August. But if you think of anything at all that I may be able to help out with please let me know. I want to do my best here to keep CAG a going. It is by far the best clan I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of. I have been in a few. My first was CNR a pc clan that played Halo and it was a fun clan to play with but a lot in fighting bull shit and the higher ups on the BoD took advantage of their power but because of them I do have experience in leading Squadrons not so much good at training tho. I also was a part of FTF a brand new clan I was a founding member of the clan I was origionally just helping them get started but they made me one of 7 leaders. I left them cause of in fighting as well and the members never played with each other and it was just more of a group on FB than an actual clan no matter how many activities I tried to put together for them. I realize that these days my time is very limited with my two jobs. I am only on on Mondays through Wednesdays from 11 am through 6 pm and then again at 11pm til usually 1am. Sundays I get on at 12pm and stay on til like 2 or 3 am. So unfortunately my abilities to lend a major helping hand is limited since I have to be away on weekends. I cant get on fridays cause I leave at 1pm and dont come back til 11pm from work and I go back to work at 9 am in the morning till 11pm on Saturdays. So my life is filled with disappoints and boring free time since not many ppl in CAG have the Xbox 1 and those that do mostly play when I am working. But thanks to tapatalk I am able to be way more active on the forums which I have been trying my best to do.
    I am the type of guy that loves feed back whether positive or negative just dont portray yourself in a rude way when you are giving me negative feed back. I look for it cause it helps me get better at what I do but if you are insulting about it i take offense.
    But I can say I will try my hardest at anything I do. I will do my best to be dedicated as well. I am even the type of guy to where if there is a need for it and ppl need me to so they have the numbers on that game I will purchase the game and try to get good at it. I posted already for my Kilo Company companions if they need me to get Advanced Warfare or not so far it seems they are fine without me which is a good thing cause I may just end up sucking at it. I know I suck at Multiplayer on Destiny and I have yet to try it on Halo. But one thing I excel at is doing campaigns. So I guess if there is a need for it I can be here to help people and give them tips on how to get through the campaign and the best way for it. In Halo I excelled at being an assassin. I learned blind spots and I had the ability to stalk a person for most of a map and finally assassinating them. I just have that camper tendancy to where I am damn good at finding camping spots and waiting for ppl to come to me.

    CAG Dogg Level: 43 [?]
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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
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    Since you want to help out, during the times you are on you should start recruiting to build youself a squad on what ever game you are on .. it's all up to you how much you want to do in the clan ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  3. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG ShadowSnypr (December 19th, 2014),RE4PER (December 19th, 2014),SprayAim (December 19th, 2014)

  4. #3
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    just dont go treading on my toes if you start recruiting. lol

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  5. #4
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG ShadowSnypr View Post
    I just have that camper tendancy to where I am damn good at finding camping spots and waiting for ppl to come to me.

    this is a very good trait to have and one we cherish in CAG

    AW is our busiest game right now - with the influx of new members being brought in, especially for this game on all platforms. The more full CAG members we have the better.

    This will ensure that there are always full members on to confirm games, train etc

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  6. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (December 19th, 2014),CAG ShadowSnypr (December 19th, 2014)

  7. #5
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    Thanx for the tip

    With precision and deadliness;
    CAG ShadowSnypr

    CAG Dogg Level: 43 [?]
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  8. #6
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG ShadowSnypr View Post
    Thanx for the tip

    With precision and deadliness;
    CAG ShadowSnypr
    Np, thought it would be another fact to help you with your "should I, shouldn't i" dilema

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  9. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (December 19th, 2014),CAG ShadowSnypr (December 19th, 2014)

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Since you want to help out, during the times you are on you should start recruiting to build youself a squad on what ever game you are on .. it's all up to you how much you want to do in the clan ....
    So I am able to just start building up a squad even though I am only a Private First Class? Like since I play Destiny alot and I was able to get friends and new ppl to join I could just have them be a part of my squad and I could then be like a squad leader?

    CAG Dogg Level: 43 [?]
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  11. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG ShadowSnypr For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (December 19th, 2014)

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG ShadowSnypr View Post
    So I am able to just start building up a squad even though I am only a Private First Class? Like since I play Destiny alot and I was able to get friends and new ppl to join I could just have them be a part of my squad and I could then be like a squad leader?
    Yes you are a member of CAG you are encouraged to build a squad even though you are not a fireteam or squad leader ...that shows initiative on your part and commitment towards CAG ... GO KICK ASS !!!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG ShadowSnypr (December 19th, 2014)

  14. #9
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    Just sent a message to some of my friends. Hopefully they join and I will begin shit hardcore tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully I do you proud sir. Thanks for the go ahead, I give you my word that I will do my best not to let you down. If I am able to get a squad together whenever we go into battle or do raids I will show off any and all victories and to keep myself humble I will keep a tally on losses to and learn from them. But I will not get to far ahead of myself as of yet.

    CAG Dogg Level: 43 [?]
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  15. #10
    CAG Stud
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    We want everyone to be leaders here my Man, from recruits to Generals ... we stress/emphasize leadership among all our members so that leadership is always present ... what better way to represent your clan/family than with great leadership? ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  16. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG ShadowSnypr (December 19th, 2014)

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