They seem reasonable. All the way until you get to the 40 burger with out kill streaks. It'd of made more sense to make this a 30-5 requirement line.
When you're running with a squad especially in domination that will likely be running kill streaks even with a dream team setup you can only have so many slayers and it's hard to out slay those that are running the killstreaks.
I think it's a damn fine job of setting up something to go off of. My personal opinion is that Expert will be achieved in TDM and not Dom as it's by far easier.
CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
Experience: 7,367,756
Next Level: 8,476,240
He still needs requirements to get all 3 weapon badges on domination ...
Eh, I'm not knocking it by any means. I just think the TDM expert is by far easier. Putting up a 40 burger on Domination with out Killstreaks is a pretty difficult feat to accomplish especially if you're running with a squad that is running them. That's all
CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
Experience: 7,367,756
Next Level: 8,476,240
You can still do the Marksman and other weapon badges on TDM or HCTM if you want lol ...
haha I know. I was just saying that I don't see many people going the Domination Expert route to complete their Expert badge because HC TDM or TDM Expert is easier to accomplish by a pretty significant margin.
I think the layout is really well thought out and it's a very nice back bone. I just wanted to provide an opinion on it for later if it ends up getting tweaked as I would imagine this isn't set in stone as of yet.
CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
Experience: 7,367,756
Next Level: 8,476,240
Question. I know killstreaks are not allowed. however, currently I'm working on DNA bombs and using Domination to do it. If we get 30-0 and use the DNA bomb will those kills count towards our kills for this game mode considering how hard it is to get?
CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
Experience: 7,367,756
Next Level: 8,476,240