Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
DemikDaGawd (December 14th, 2014)
DemikDaGawd (December 14th, 2014)
OK yeah I'm just telling you what I know the standards are, if you got other approval for screen shots or whatever else from higher ups that's completely above me and awesome for you guys, but the difference between DOM and TDM is DOM IS LONGER AND OBJECTIVE BASED AS Where TDM IS STRAIGHT KILLING THE OTHER TEAM AND YOU ONLY GOTO 75 POINTS ITS WAY EASIER TO GET THIS stuff when players are focused on capturing objectives and not just killing you.
DemikDaGawd (December 14th, 2014),SprayAim (December 14th, 2014)
I understand your frustration bro, someone should have clarified with you seeing how you are a recruit. If you guys need anything or any help what so ever on anything add me on xblive and on here git me up anytime! I am always in a recruit helping mood! We have all been there bro!
DemikDaGawd (December 14th, 2014),SprayAim (December 14th, 2014)
DemikDaGawd (December 14th, 2014)
We need to get the Marksman going on most if not all game modes... let's see what we can do to work with this recruit on this ...
Next time DemikDaGawd ask questions before you do things if you don't really know the answers to them or if you are a bit confused....
We'll see what we can come up with ....
CHONG (December 14th, 2014),DemikDaGawd (December 14th, 2014)