Did that last night with CCx Killa. I was leader for awhile and she was doing well, but just wasn't quite there.
So we switched it over for her.
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Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here
Did that last night with CCx Killa. I was leader for awhile and she was doing well, but just wasn't quite there.
So we switched it over for her.
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Yeah I never actually knew that until recently, it definitely helps the lower level guys get there marksman badges.
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Here's to a long life and a merry one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold pint and another one!
Here's to a long life and a merry one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold pint and another one!
Listen up everybody, new recruit is now entering the barracks!
His username is Nova Snipes but you can find him on xbl using GT: Luketropica
He has been a member since november and has just decided to apply for our company.
Let's give him a wwarm welcome and get tjose marksman games going.
Do me a favor, and this is to whomever gets in contact with Nova first in case he isnt online when i am. Please advise him that his username needs to match his his gamertag.
Guide him to this thread since he should subscribe to it anyways...
Then he needs to click this link to go to the Request username change thread.
He needs to post in that thread to request his username be changed.
Thanks in advance
I sent an invite but haven't heard back; my net crapped out due to family uploading again, so I got off and headed to bed.
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If anuone just saw me come online it isnt becayse my wife left me and i get to finally play violent games in the afternoon. ..lol it is because i am letting my daughter play her sesame street game, i have gone appear offline so she isnt interrupted by potential invites... i should be on later tonight.
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